Lunch Menu…


Vegetable pasta


Beef Bolognaise pasta


Jacket potato with tuna sweetcorn mayo


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Iced sponge or fruit


Priory pizza and potato wedges


Sweet and sour chicken thighs and rice


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Jelly, grapes or fruit


Cheese & chive swirls


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard, ice cream or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Veggie bean cake


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Cherry & sultana sponge, ice cream or fruit


Veggie sweet potato mash pie


Breaded fish and chips,


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Chocolate cake with chocolate sauce, or fruit

Next week…


Y6 Trip to QMC
12.00 – 12.30pm: French Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: French Club KS1
1 – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

YR Nativity Dress Rehearsal for the school

After school

3.20 – 4.30pm: GOL Football Club
3.15 – 4.15pm:  KS1 Christmas songs and percussion Club
3.15 – 4.15pm: KS2 Choir Club
3.15 – 3.45pm: Drumming Lessons
3.20 – 4.30pm: Cricket Club
3.20 – 4.15pm: Netball Club 
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


2pm – YR Nativity Performance for Parents & Carers

12.00 – 12.30pm: Spanish Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: Spanish Club KS1
1 – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school
3.15 – 4.15pm – Gardening Club
3.20 – 4.20pm: Tag Rugby Club
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


AIM High Maths Trip for selected pupils

CORAM LIFE WORKSHOPS for all classes

10.30am – 3pm: Piano Lessons
10.30am – 3pm: Flute lessons
2.15 – 3pm:  Tag Rugby Team Training
2.15 – 3pm: – Netball Team Training

After school
3.30 – 4.30pm: Netball/Basketball Club
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


CORAM LIFE WORKSHOPS for all classes

12 – 3.15pm: Piano Lessons

After school
3.20 – 4.15pm:  KS2 Christmas Crafts/Drawing 
3.20 – 4.30pm: Hockey Club
3.20 – 4.30pm: Art Club
3.15 – 6pm : The Oaks childcare


8.30 – 11am: Rocksteady Rehearsals
2.40pm: Star of Wonder Assembly

After school
3.20 – 4.15pm:  Y1+ Y2 Christmas Crafts
3.30 – 4.30pm:  Quidditch Club 
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare

Dates for your Diary…


2PM in the Hall

Tues 10th December – Year R 

CHRISTMAS SONGS with Years 1 – 6

2.30PM in the Hall

Mon 16th Dec for Parents of Years 1 + 2
Tues 17th Dec for Parents of Years 3 + 4
Thurs 19th Dec for Parents of Years 5 + 6

For families with children in different year groups, please chose one performance to attend.

Christmas Lunch/Jumper Day


Headteacher’s Update…

Dear Parents and Carers,

School uniform

I have noticed that some children are not wearing the correct uniform to school. All pupils should now be in Winter uniform, with a white school shirt/blouse and school tie. All pupils should wear a school tie with the Winter uniform. If you cannot provide black leather shoes, then please ensure your child is in plain black trainers. 

If you are struggling to pay for school uniform, please do reach out and contact the school office; we will do what we can to help. 

The table below is taken from the School Uniform Policy which is available on the policies section of the website. 

Christmas Piano Recital

Well done to all of the pupils who performed on our lovely new piano at this week’s piano recital. They performed really well and made everyone feel lovely and festive!

Staff Goodbye

We said goodbye (or au revoir) to Mrs Roberts, one of our Learning Support Assistants, today. Mrs Roberts has been at The Priory for 3 years and is moving on to a different career. We wish her all the best in her new job. 

Donation thanks

Thank you very much to the John Stacey & Sons Company and the Stacey-Hayes family at school who have donated a large amount of aggregates (10 tons!) to help fix the car park at the front of the school. 

Lunches and eating

We are very proud to be a school with a kitchen on site where healthy and delicious food is cooked on site by our catering team. We do monitor the amount of food that is wasted and we have recently noticed an increase in food waste. We never force children to eat all of their food, but we do encourage them to eat enough to have a healthy diet. Please could you talk with your child about this and encourage them to eat well at school. 

Whilst on this subject, if you are ever concerned about your child’s eating habits (at home or school) please get in contact with us so we can support your child with this. 

Tadley swimming pool – water safety

We enjoyed  an assembly from the Tadley Swimming Pool lifeguards on Monday. They talked to the children about being safe around cold water and ice on water.

Food bank donations

Thank you for all of the donations so far to the Basingstoke Food Bank. 

Behaviour focus 

Our focus next week will be ‘sitting sensibly in assembly’.

Our whole school behaviour focus next week will be ‘Respecting school property’. 

Please support us by discussing this with your child at home.

House Points…




News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

Christmas has most definitely arrived this week in Year R.  The class loved the arrival of the class Christmas tree in the home corner and they have all enjoyed decorating it with lots of baubles. The children have been busy making paper chains too.

The stage has been busy this week with lots of practise for our nativity. The children have enjoyed learning their lines and singing the songs. We have also been practising with the microphones, which the children have all enjoyed. The children are all very excited to be sharing their nativity with you all next Tuesday at 2pm.

In Maths we have been learning to recognise numbers to 5 and discussing what an ‘equal amount’ means. The children have been playing games where they were shown a number or specific number of objects up to 5 and the children then showed the equal number of fingers on their hand.

In Phonics the children have been reviewing all the sounds that they have learnt so far this term and they have been practising to write short words on whiteboards. They have also been practising their letter formation.

Next week:

We are very much looking forward to sharing our nativity ‘The Donkey Seller’ with you all on Tuesday. The children have all been working hard and are very excited to share their nativity with you. They will be doing a dress rehearsal on Monday to the rest of the school. Then on Tuesday they will be sharing the nativity with you all. It will be starting at 2pm so please could you start to arrive from 1.45pm to ensure you are seated by 2pm.

In Maths the children will be learning about shapes, specifically circles and triangles. As part of their learning they will be going on a shape hunt round the school to find circles and triangles.

The children will be continuing Christmas activities such as making pipe cleaner candy canes, learning how to draw a simple snowman and Christmas tree and writing in their Christmas cards.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

YR: Arti, Callista and Olivia

Y1: Aaria, Rosie, Kit and Victoria

Y2: Remi, Sophia and Oliver

Y3: Layla, Oscar, Teddy and Tayana

Y4: Sofia, Jasper, Grace and Ella

Y5: Keira, Sam and Sophia

Y6: Cassidy, Adam and Robert

Special mention to…

Piano: Jago and Delilah


For the weekly update on Safeguarding, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Safeguarding section on the website, where the weekly Safeguarding section can be found each week.

Posters from the community….

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