Upcoming Events
Monday 27th November
8.50am- House Point Assembly
12.30pm-1pm Linguatastic French Club
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Christmas craft club (Foundation and KS1 only)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Tuesday 28th November
9.30am Internet Safety Assembly Y2-6
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
2.15pm-3pm Drumming Lessons
3.15- 3.45pm Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.20pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Wednesday 29th November
AM: African Drumming Workshops
1-3pm: Y6 Pamber Priory Church trip
11am – Piano lessons
12-12.30pm Percussion Club Y6
1pm- Flute lessons
2-2.45pm Tag Rigby Training with Zack
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
2.40pm- Singing Assembly
3.20pm-4.20pm- KS1 multi-skills with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Thursday 30th November
11am-3.15pm- Piano Lessons
3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3.20-4.15pm-Lego Club
3.20-4.15pm- Choir Club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Friday 1st December
9.30am Rocksteady Concert
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.20-4.20pm KS2 Dodgeball with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
3.15pm – 5.45pm: Christmas Fair
Menu for the week commencing 27th December 2023
Tomato & Basil Pasta
Fish Cakes & Saute Potatoes
Flapjack, Ice Cream or Fruit
Jacket Potato Cheese and Beans
Beef Lasagne & Garlic Bread
Green Beans
Jelly or Grapes or Fruit
Broccoli & Cheese Slice
Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion
Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips
Apple Crumble & Custard or Ice Cream or Fruit
Quorn Sausages
Sherfield Sausages
Roasted Pumpkin & Spinach Lasagne
Broccoli, Baked Beans, Roll or Mash
Berry Fruits Sponge or Ice Cream or Fruit
Mexican Bean Wrap
Breaded Fish & Chips
Shortbread Biscuits or Fruit
Dear Parents and Carers
Christmas Fair –
Next Friday 1st December is the PTA Christmas Fair!
This will be a non-school uniform day and we invite all pupils to wear festive clothes and accessories in exchange for bringing in a bottle donation for the bottle tombola (see below).
The Christmas fair will be supervised by PTA members, Priory staff volunteers and Oaks staff. Parents are not required to attend. The event will start straight after school and will finish at the finishing times below:
To help the event run smoothly, please note the following:
Pick-up times
All children should be collected from the Front Playground
Children in Years R, 1, and 2 (and any of their Junior siblings) should be collected at 5.30pm
Children in Years 3-6 (Juniors) should be collected at 5.45pm
Bottle tombola
Families are asked to donate a bottle of something in exchange for the non-school uniform.
Bottles of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages will be collected by PTA members in cars outside the front of the school on the morning of Friday 1st December.
The last day to buy tickets for the Christmas Fair is Monday 27th November.
Can parents please note allergies when they purchase tickets.
Thursday 14th December 1.15pm Year 5-6
Grade cards
This year, as we continue to use our information management systems to streamline the way we keep parents informed about the progress and attainment of their children, we will adapt our mid-year reporting procedures.
In January, parents will receive a grade card-style report showing how their child is achieving in all curriculum subjects against age-related expectations. This report will also include achievements and next steps in reading, writing and maths. Following this, in March, parents will be invited to attend parent-teacher meetings to look through books and examples of learning.
Staff of Wonder
Simran and Finley’s interview with Coach Jess
Do you enjoy coaching at the school?
Yes, I love coaching all the classes. The Priory is the first primary school that I have taught at. Before that I worked at a gym helping people with exercises.
What do you like about your job?
I like that it is lots of fun, not like a normal job. I feel like I am not really working, as I am having fun and playing games.
What is your favourite sport?
Hockey. I have played since I was 6 years old. I grew up in the Netherlands and hockey is the national sport of the Netherlands.
Does hockey run in your family?
Yes, both my older sisters played hockey. I use to watch their games.
Of any three people fictional or non-fictional who would you invite to dinner?
Beyoncé, Shaq O’Neal (former professional basketball player) and Naomi van As (a Dutch hockey player).
The Big Ambition Survey for Parents to complete
Alternatively follow this link to complete the survey :
House Points…
Be Internet Legends Day
Dear parents and Carers,
Pupils from Year 2 – 6 will be discovering how to be safer and more confident online as part of Google and Parent Zone’s Be Internet Legends assembly. We’ve registered for our school to take part in a LIVE online assembly on Tuesday 28th November at 9.30 am – and we hope you’re able to join us too!
How will my child access the assembly?
At school we will be joining over 1000 schools across the UK as we stream the assembly live into our classrooms using the provided link to a private YouTube production, we will also be able to join a live chat and join in the interactive voting.
Get involved…
As parents you are able to also watch live or later using the link below
Please note – YouTube recommends that children access the site from the age of 13 – but because this video is marked as ‘Made for Kids’, chat will be automatically disabled. Your child won’t be able to make or see comments, or communicate directly with anyone. They won’t need to create an account or download any additional software. Only teachers will have the separate link to access the online chat so that they can submit their classes responses to the interactive section and join any online voting.
As we have successfully taken part in previously streamed Internet Legend Assemblies we will assume that you are happy for your child/children in Years 2 – 6 to take part.
Please email the office on office@priory.hants.sch.uk if you DO NOT want your child to take part in the assembly. Please reply by MONDAY 27th November.
Star of Wonder & Special Mentions
This Weeks Stars of Wonder
Year R
Lally, Otto & Victoria
Year 1
Grace, Lottie, Thomas & Annabelle
Year 2
Charlotte, Sofia & Taimi
Year 3
Timmy, Leonie, Cohen & Nicholas
Year 4
Sophia, Eliza, Oscar & Toby
Year 5
Harry, Eloise & Sofia
Year 6
Beatrice & Thulasi
Congratulations to all!
Special Mentions!
Piano Certificates
Well done to Jago for receiving a Certificate for Outstanding Effort in Piano this week.
Reception Year News
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
This week the children enjoyed learning about tigers and discussing the meaning of different words e.g. camouflage, endangered and extinct. The class were all very interested in finding out different facts about tigers and also went on to write some tiger facts.
As part of our PSHE the children were learning about what it means to be kind and how it feels if someone is kind to you. We introduced a ‘fuzzy feeling’ pom pom jar in the class where the children put a pom pom in the jar if someone was kind to them. This has continued throughout the week and it has been lovely to see some of the extremely kind things the children can do for their friends. We have had lots of hugs, kind words, sharing toys, making toys for their friends to play with and writing kind messages to each other.
In our Maths sessions we have been practising to form numbers and continuing our work on sequencing numbers through lots of practical games.
The children were also told their roles in the nativity this week. Your child should have come home with a slip of paper saying their role and if they need to bring in any clothing for their costumes. If your child has a speaking part in the nativity your child should also be coming home with their lines so that they can practise them at home too. Please do let us know if you have not received the slip of paper indicating your child’s role in the play.
Next week:
The children will be practising the whole of the nativity play to enable the children to learn their part in the play.
We will also be making craft for our advent calendar display in the classroom.
In Maths the children will be exploring mass and capacity. They will be practically using balancing scales to explore the weight of objects and understanding what it means when 2 objects are balanced. The children will also be using different containers to explore capacity and understanding which container may hold more or less water.
We are looking to enhance our outdoor area and are interested in plastic crates (shown in the picture). We are also looking for planks of wood of varying length (also shown in the picture) to enhance the children’s outdoor play experience. Please do let us know if you have any of these that we could use or if you can help in any way to get hold of some for us. Thank you in advance.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year R Team
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