Upcoming Events

Monday 11th December

08:50 – 09:00: House Point Assembly
12:30 – 13:00: Linguatastic French Club
13:00 – 15:00: Guitar Lessons with Adele
14:40: Christmas Performance Y1 & Y2 parents
15:15 – 16:30:  Gol Football Club
15:15 – 16:15:  Gardening Club – cancelled
15:15 – 16:15:  Xmas craft club – cancelled
15:15 – 18:00: The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 12th December

13:00 – 15:00:  Guitar Lessons with Adele
14:40: Christmas Performance Y3 & Y4 parents
15:15 – 15:45:   Drumming lessons
15:15 – 16:15:   Tag Ruby Club
15:15 – 16:20:  Gardening Club – cancelled
15:15 – 18:00:  The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 13th December

11:00 – 15:15: Piano lessons
12:00 -12:30: Percussion Club Y6

Christmas Lunch with Christmas Jumpers

13:00 – 14:00: Flute lessons
15:30 – 16:30:  Drumming lessons
15:15 – 16:20:  KS1 multi-skills
15:15 – 18:00:  The Oaks after school club

Thursday 14th December

11:00 – 15:15:  Piano Lessons
13:15  – Christmas Performance Y5 & Y6 parents
14:00 – 15:00: Y4 Pizza Cooking Session
15:15 – 16:20: Drama club
15:15 – 16:15:  Lego Club – cancelled
15:15 – 16:15:  Choir – cancelled 
15:15 – 16:15:  Hockey with Curveball Coaching
15:15 – 18:00: The Oaks after school club

Friday 15th December

Last Day of Term

No Awards ceremony, the next one will be in 2024!

15:15 – 16:20: KS2 Dodgeball with Curveball Coaching
15:15 – 18:00: The Oaks after school club

Menu for the week commencing 4th December 2023


Vegetable Pasta

Beef Bolognese Pasta

Jacket Potato with Tuna/Sweetcorn mayo

Peas & Sweetcorn

Iced Sponge, or fruit


Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges

Chicken Supreme & Rice

Peas and Sweetcorn

Jelly or Grapes or Fruit


Christmas Lunch choices


Quorn Sausages

Sherfield Sausages

(V) Mushroom & Herb Rissoles  & Tomato Sauce

Broccoli or Baked Beans

Bread Roll, or Mashed Potato

Lemon Spice Slices


Ice Cream


Mixed Bean & Veg Chow Mein

Breaded Fish & Chips

Peas & Sweetcorn

Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Sauce



Dear Parents and Carers

Parking and traffic outside of school – update

Further to last week’s newsletter item, we are now working with the Hampshire travel planning team on traffic safety in and around the school. The decision about closing the back pick-up facility and potentially using the back playground as a car park is therefore not yet a confirmed decision. The options are being discussed with the school governors but nothing has been finally agreed, and won’t be agreed until we have taken advice from the Hampshire travel team and completed a full risk assessment. We are looking at various options to help this situation and will keep parents informed. 

In the meantime, please can I ask parents to follow these rules to keep people safe:

  • Do not park or stop on the coned stretch of road directly outside the front of the school
  • Do not park on the grass verge opposite the school driveway
  • Keep to a speed limit of 20mph outside of the school
  • Be patient even if you are in a rush – safety is paramount

Last week of term 

Christmas singing performances – 2 songs performed by all pupils from Y1-6.

Children can wear a Christmas hat and/or an accessory.  This will be for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 

Christmas lunch – Wednesday. Children can wear a festive jumper to school this day. 

Dress code for this week. 

Monday – festive accessory

Tuesday – festive accessory

Wednesday – Christmas Jumpers

Thursday – festive accessory

Friday – normal school uniform.

Clubs for Term 2

Next term all of our clubs with external providers will continue. Our school-led clubs of lego club (Mr Cripps), choir club (Mrs Hughes)  and craft club (Mrs Britt) will stop. We will offer some new staff-led clubs for term 2. These will be:

Board games

Art & Craft


SATs club (Y6 only)

They will be targeted at different age groups (except SATs club). Full details will follow next week. 

Parents will have the holiday time to sign up and these clubs will start in week 2 of term 2 (week commencing 8th Jan 2024). 

The clubs will continue to run from 3.30-4.15pm, and continue to be charged at £4 per child per session. These funds will go to the school.

House Points…





Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Safeguarding is EVERYONE’s Responsibility

As a school we take the safeguarding and wellbeing of our children very seriously. Staff are trained and supported to observe children and any changes which could indicate abuse, identity and spot concerns as well as understand and know what to do in the event that a child makes a disclosure about being harmed. The key message that we instil is that safeguarding is EVERYONE’S responsibility.

In line with this approach we wanted to ensure that as our parent/carer community you are also aware of the steps that you can take if you have concerns about a child or young person. Discussing and reporting concerns to our DSL or DSL team is key, but you also have alternative options if you feel the need to report a concern and you do not have access to school at the time.

Key actions to take if you have a concern that a child is in danger and/or may suffer harm and maltreatment – MAKE A REPORT IF…

  • If you fear that a child is in immediate danger CALL 999 and report the concern
  • IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU SHOULD DO – report your concerns to the DSL and team at school

Alternative options – as a member of the public you can report a concern to Hampshire’s Child Protection Services directly – information about the services is available here – this site provides useful information and learning about a range of abuse as well as what will happen when concerns are reported –


If you are a member of the public and wish to report any welfare/safeguarding concerns DIRECTLY TO CHILDREN’S SERVICES,you can complete Hampshire’s  online enquiry form.

You can report a concern over the telephone and via email –

Phone 0300 555 1384    Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Email childrens.services@hants.gov.uk     Please note: Emails are dealt with during normal office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. At other times phone our out of hours number.      

Out of hours – Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services Phone 0300 555 1373 


NEWS from the Sports Desk

This week saw our amazing new netball team bring home their first win with a convincing victory against Silchester in a competitive match. Every team is made up of hard-working individuals but our school netball team impressed everyone with their teamwork, positivity and enthusiasm. After the match, proud Team Coach Kirsty Northcote reported back to the sports desk: “The team put into play all the things we’ve been practising, they kept their energy and drive going for the whole match and were competitive, respectful and fun. They were brilliant from start to finish!”

The team have only been playing together for a few weeks so such early success and team cohesion is very impressive. Despite the cold weather we also had a  great turnout of supportive parents cheering our team on. Go Priory netball! The team’s next outing will be against Great Binfields on 1st February.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

Year R:  David, Rae, Isabel

Year 1: Archer, Neave, Teddy, Charlotte

Year 2: Nolan, Rosie, Thomas, Charlotte, Jay Jay

Year 3: Manpal, Jasper, Gracie, Coen

Year 4: Max, Isabella, Tilly

Year 5: Hetty, Chloe, Poppy

Year 6: Ezra, Max

and a special mention to Matilda, for her certificate for Outstanding Effort in Music, on the piano.

Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

We would like to begin with a massive well done to all of the children for delivering a fantastic performance of ‘The Donkey Seller’ nativity. The children all did amazingly well and we are super proud of their achievements. We hope that you all were too. The children have all worked so hard during their rehearsals to learn their lines and the songs. The hall was the busiest we have ever seen it so we would like to thank you for your support. We would also like to thank you all for any costumes you sent in for us, especially at the last minute. We hugely appreciate it and thank you for your support.

The children also delivered a wonderful performance to the rest of the school on Tuesday and were given lots of praise by all of the children (and adults) in the school.

The children have also been busy making Christmas craft like snowflakes, Christmas tree cones and getting into character as Santa in our very own Santa’s workshop. They have also been making Christmas cards.

Next week:

The theme for next week will be all about Christmas!! The children will be making some Christmas ornaments and other festive craft in class. The children will be having lots of festive fun playing Christmas games too.

The children will also be enjoying their first Christmas lunch at The Priory, which is always an enjoyable day. The children will also be making some festive party hats in school which they can wear for their Christmas lunch.

Coach Zack will also be playing some fun festive games in PE with the children next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

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