Lunch Menu…


Tomato & Basil pasta


Fish cakes and sautéed potatoes


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Flapjack, ice cream or fruit 


Jacket potato with cheese and beans


Beef lasagne with garlic bread


served with green beans and sweetcorn

Jelly, grapes or fruit


Christmas Lunch


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Creamy greens filo pie


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Syrup sponge and custard, ice cream or fruit


Mexican bean wrap


Breaded fish


served with chips, sweetcorn, and peas.

Shortbread biscuits, or fruit

Next week…


12.00 – 12.30pm: French Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: French Club KS1
1 – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

2.30PM Christmas Songs Performance
(Parents of years 1 and 2 invited to watch)

After school

3.20 – 4.30pm: GOL Football Club
3.15 – 4.15pm:  KS1 Christmas songs and percussion Club
3.15 – 4.15pm: KS2 Choir Club
3.15 – 3.45pm: Drumming Lessons
3.20 – 4.30pm: Cricket Club
3.20 – 4.15pm: Netball Club 
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12.00 – 12.30pm: Spanish Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: Spanish Club KS1
1 – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

2.30PM Christmas Songs Performance
(Parents of years 3 and 4 invited to watch)

After school
3.15 – 4.15pm – Gardening Club
3.20 – 4.20pm: Tag Rugby Club
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


Christmas Jumper Day for Christmas Lunch
(children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or top for the day, along with their school uniform/PE kit)

10.30am – 3pm: Piano Lessons
10.30am – 3pm: Flute lessons
2.15 – 3pm:  Tag Rugby Team Training
2.15 – 3pm: – Netball Team Training

After school
3.30 – 4.30pm: Netball/Basketball Club
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12 – 3.15pm: Piano Lessons

2.30PM Christmas Songs Performance
(Parents of years 5 and 6 invited to watch)

After school
3.20 – 4.15pm:  KS2 Christmas Crafts/Drawing 
3.20 – 4.30pm: Hockey Club
3.20 – 4.30pm: Art Club
3.15 – 6pm : The Oaks childcare


8.30 – 11am: Rocksteady Rehearsals
2.40pm: Star of Wonder Assembly

After school
3.20 – 4.15pm:  Y1+ Y2 Christmas Crafts
3.30 – 4.30pm:  Quidditch Club 
3.15 – 6pm: The Oaks childcare

Dates for your Diary…

CHRISTMAS SONGS with Years 1 – 6

2.30PM in the Hall

Mon 16th Dec for Parents of Years 1 + 2
Tues 17th Dec for Parents of Years 3 + 4
Thurs 19th Dec for Parents of Years 5 + 6

For families with children in different year groups, please chose one performance to attend.

Christmas Lunch/Jumper Day


Headteacher’s Update…

Dear Parents and Carers,

Christmas music performances

We have been practising the songs for our Christmas performances next week, and hope that families will be able to take some time to come and enjoy the performances, feel festive and have a sing-song!

Monday 2.30pm – Year 1 and 2 parents (Year R parents are welcome to come and watch too)

Tuesday 2.30pm – Year 3 and 4 parents

Thursday 2.30pm – Year 5 and 6 parents

PTA Christmas bauble competition

The 2 winners from YR-Y6 are:

YR: Robin C and Amber

Y1: Hannah and Paige

Y2: Matilda and Jago

Y3: Jessie and Theo

Y4: Sofia and Lilah

Y5: Keira and Austin

Y6: Darcy and Evelyn

Reports and assessments

Teachers spend a lot of time assessing how each child in the class is doing against the expectations of the age group. Teacher assessment can come in the form of written tests, data from online learning activities, marking of books, and observations during learning activities. 

Teachers are currently collating all of their assessments from Term 1. Early next term, we will send out grade cards showing how your child is achieving compared with age-related expectations. This will be followed by a progress meeting between the teacher and parents to help each child make the best possible progress this year. 

Behaviour focus 

The behaviour focus next week is ‘Using toilets sensibly’.  We trust the children to behave sensibly in the toilets and use them when they need to, which the vast majority of children do. Having had some issues with children misbehaving in the toilets, we are asking parents to remind their children how to be sensible when using the toilets at school. We ask parents to please let us know if your child has any issues in this area. 

House Points…




News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

It was lovely to welcome you all in this week to share our nativity with you. It was great to see so many of you there. We were all incredibly proud of the children’s performance. The Children did so well to deliver their lines, sing the songs and change things at the last minute due to absence. We hope you all enjoyed it.

In Maths the children have been learning that 2D shapes are flat shapes. They have been identifying circles and

triangles in the classroom and thinking about the properties of these shapes. For example, triangles have 3 lines and 3 corners and a circle is perfectly round with no straight sides. The children have also been drawing round different shapes to make their own 2D shape pictures.

Christmas activities have continued this week with the children finishing their Christmas cards, painting baubles on Christmas trees, making candy canes and learning how to draw their own snowmen and Christmas trees.

Next week:

We cannot believe that it will be the final week of our Autumn tern. Our last week is going to be full of festive fun. It is going to be our Christmas lunch on Wednesday. The children are also invited to come into school on Wednesday in a Christmas jumper instead of their school jumper/cardigan. They will still be wearing school uniform underneath. The children will also be making a festive party hat which they will wear to their Christmas lunch.

For Maths, the children will be continuing to work on shapes, with a focus on squares and rectangles. They will be thinking about the names of the shapes, their properties and identifying the shapes round the classroom and school.

Some of our festive activities throughout the week will be making a spiral shape snowman, santa sack writing activity, 2D bauble shape matching cutting activity and Christmas number ordering.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

No further Star of Wonder awards for this term.  Please remember to return Golden Ties.


For the weekly update on Safeguarding, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Safeguarding section on the website, where the weekly Safeguarding section can be found each week.

Posters from the community….

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