Lunch Menu…


Tomato & basil pasta


Fish cakes and sauteed potatoes


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Flapjack, ice cream or fruit


Jacket potato with cheese and beans


Beef lasagne with garlic bread


served with green beans and sweetcorn.

Jelly, grapes, or fruit


Cheese & broccoli slice


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Somerset vegetable stew with cheddar & parsley mash


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Jam tart and custard, ice cream or fruit


Mexican bean wrap


Breaded fish


served with chips, sweetcorn, and peas.

Shortbread biscuits, or fruit

Next Week…


Y5 trip to QMC

12:30 – 13:00 : Linguatastic French club
13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Chess Club – CANCELLED
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


Y4 trip to QMC

PERFORM Workshops, funded by the PTA

13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar Lessons
15:15 – 15:45 : Drumming Lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Tag Rugby Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Fun Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


PERFORM Workshops, funded by the PTA

12:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
10:00 – 14:00 : Flute Lessons
12:00 – 12:30 : Percussion Club Y6
12:30 – 15:00 : Y6 Bowling
14:45 – 15:15 : Coffee afternoon with KS1 Parents in the hall, with Mr Walsh.
15:30 – 16:30 : Netball/Basketball Club
15:30 – 16:30 : Drumming lessons
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


08.30 – 11.30 : Maths on the Move
09:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
14:30 – 15:00 : Y6 swimming
14:45 – 15:15 : Coffee afternoon with KS2 parents, in the hall with Mr Walsh
15:00 : Y3 Pop-Up Gallery for Y3 parents
15:15 – 16:15 : Construction Club (YR, Y1, Y2)
15:20 – 16:20 : Drama Club
15:20 – 16:30 : Hockey Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


08.30 – 11.30 : Rocksteady Rehearsals
14:40 – 15:00 : Star of Wonder Assembly
15:20 – 16:30 : Dodgeball with curveball coaching
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
15:20 – 16:30 – KS1 “Stay and Play” on the Adventure Trail, for YR-2.

Year R to donate some cakes if possible please.

Dates for your diary…

Headteacher Update…

Dear Parents and Carers

Walk To School Week – Monday 20 May – Friday 24 May 2024

Next week is national walk to school week. Whilst we are a rural school, it would be good to see some families making the effort to walk, cycle or even car share. 

We are currently working closely with the Hampshire travel team and Highways agency to make the roads outside school a safer place for everyone. Reducing the amount of cars is one solution, though not possible for many of our families who live further afield. 

Coffee Afternoons

Next week we are running two coffee afternoons, both with the same theme, but one for KS1 parents and one for KS2 parents. 

The theme for these events is Community and Curriculum.

I will present the Priory view about these themes with some ideas about intended developments in these areas. I would also like to get some ideas from parents about ideas for development. Following this will be a chance to mingle and chat over a cup of tea. 

KS1 parent coffee afternoon – 2.45pm Wednesday 22nd May

KS2 parent coffee afternoon – 2.45pm Thursday 23rd May

PERFORM drama workshops 

Thank you to the PTA for funding the PERFORM drama workshops which will be happening on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. 

These are hands-on workshops designed to complement curricular learning. The theme for each year group will be as follows:

YR: People who help us

Y1:  Toys of yesterday and today

Y2: Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Y3: Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Y4: Vikings vs Anglo Saxons

Y5: Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Y6 Black Icons  


Parents should not be parking in the staff car park, on the playground, or on the driveway to the playground as this causes obstructions and therefore dangers to others. Thank you for your cooperation.

House Points…




Sports News…

Long Distance Running Races – 12th June 2pm

Thanks to all for the positivity surrounding our new look sports day – GO Team! We are also planning a new look longer distance running event as part of our extended festival of sport this year. This frees up some time at sports day and allows younger children to also be involved as part of our sports opportunities for all initiative! Details:

  • Six races split by age group and gender: Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
  • Points will be allocated to the top 3 runners from each year group in both the boys and girls races and these will be added to the house team sports day totals.
  • Participation will be optional – all children will do some practises as part of their normal PE and sports day preparation and can then sign up for the long distance race event. Everyone that participates will earn a point for their house team sports day total!

This will be an open event, so if your child decides to participate why not come along and cheer them on. If the weather is nice we would love to offer some refreshments and/or ice creams at this event – if this is something you would be happy to organise or help with please do get in touch. Thanks Priory Team!

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

YEAR R: George, Freddie and Victoria

YEAR 1: Annie, Elin, Archer and Sophia.

YEAR 2: Evie, Freddie and Toby

YEAR 3: Cohen, Sienna, Elodia and Olivia

YEAR 4: Alice, Sonny, Isabella and Austin

YEAR 5: Ruby, Cassidy and Evelyn

YEAR 6: Alex, Freya, Ezra and Charlie

Special Achievement in Piano 

Goes to… Manpal, Dabira and Toby

Special Mention to...

Superstar Alannah, competed in her first gymnastics competition in Crewe.  She was amazing, and her team took home a bronze in the trampette & tumble!


To our incredible Y6, who have now completed their SATs.  Fantastic work, well done.

News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

This week the children have explored different jobs that they might like to do when they grow up. It has been interesting listening to all of the children’s thoughts and hear what they might like to do. We have had construction workers, vets, scientists, boxers, rockstars and even scuba divers.

In Maths this week the children have really enjoyed exploring even and odd numbers. They have gained a deeper understanding and have realised that there is always an odd one out for odd numbers and even numbers can be shared equally between two groups. The children have practically used counters to work out which numbers are even and odd.

In PE this week the children were very excited to discover that they were using the wall bars in Gymnastics. They enjoyed climbing as high as they felt comfortable and also practised log rolls, using an A frame to climb over and making different shapes with our bodies. We will be posting photos of their Gymnastics session on Tapestry soon.

Next week:

On Tuesday the children will be taking part in a workshop led by the company PERFORM which will be linked to our current topic of ‘People who help us’. This should be an enjoyable workshop for all the children to be involved in.

In Maths we will be focusing on verbal counting beyond 20 and exploring different number patterns. The children will also be comparing numbers to 10 by looking at sets of objects. They will develop their understanding that when making comparisons, a set can have more items, fewer items, or the same number of items as another set.

The children will also be completing Phonics assessments throughout the week focusing on sounds taught so far, reading words containing all the sounds and reading some of the Harder to Read and Spell words.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

News from the PTA…


Safeguarding and Wellbeing

IN THE NATIONAL PRESS THIS WEEK New Draft Guidance for RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education)  in Primary Schools

The statutory guidance on relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) – which schools must follow by law – is currently under review. Following in the footsteps of the existing statutory guidance issued in 2019, today saw the issuing of the new draft guidance to Primary and Secondary schools. The draft guidance is now open to a 9-week consultation period before being finalised as statutory guidance to schools.

How you can have your views on future RSHE…

To contribute to the consultation process and to see the draft documents members of the public can find all of the relevant information and the online survey here – do contribute as this is your opportunity to contribute positively to your child’s future learning and development.

What are the current RSHE rules?

Relationships education has been compulsory for primary schools since September 2020.

Children are taught about healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships – including online and social media. They also learn about physical health, parts of the body, boundaries and puberty.

At The Priory we deliver and use the Coram Life PSHE curriculum that covers all of the statutory requirements of the 2019 guidance in an entirely age appropriate way in relation to RSHE. As parents and carers you are very welcome to request further information about what we are teaching, how we are teaching it and the context within which concepts and information are shared with the children. You have the right to request this information and we would be delighted to share this with you using the lessons, plans and Learning Journeys that are available from the Coram curriculum. Whilst the new guidance goes through the consultation process we want to reassure you that current lessons and topics being covered are entirely in line with existing guidance and our staff are experienced at delivering the sessions across the school.

We have been in contact with one of Coram’s experienced educators who has reassured us that they will be making any necessary changes to their resources, plans and teaching documents once the statutory guidance becomes law.

Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship

If you would like to see more resources and information about the curriculum which we use go to the main website at –

Coram Life – Scarf Resources for parents to complement the curriculum at school  – here you will find more specific information and resources that you can use at home.

Growing and Changing Units of Learning from Early Years to Year 6…

For your information we will also add the Learning Journeys for the Topic – Growing and Changing which covers the key areas of RSHE in relation to Sex education for Primary aged children. This unit is covered each year at school, normally in the Summer term, so that the children’s learning and development is progressive and comprehensive.  More information can be found on the each class’ page on the website.

Online Monitoring 

As part of the national requirements for safeguarding pupils in schools (Keeping Children Safe in Education), we monitor the pupils’ online activity on the school internet. Our monitoring system is set up to flag any potential issues with:

  • Bullying
  • Self harming
  • Extremism
  • Pornography 
  • Violence/harm to others

This is monitored by our Safeguarding Leads, Mrs Adams and Mr Walsh. 

So, if, for example, a child typed a word linked to one of the categories above into a search engine, it would be flagged on our monitoring system and would be followed up with the pupil to ensure they were safe. If we had any concerns, we would contact the child’s parents. 

Our internet is very secure and has a firewall to ensure no inappropriate images or content is accessible to pupils, but the system above adds an extra layer of protection.

Summer Camp information…

Summer Clubs

Please note that there will be two new summer camps running at The Priory this summer and The Oaks will continue to run their summer club at Mortimer St Mary’s.

Curveball Club information and sign up…


All starting from  Tuesday 23rd April. 

Tag Rugby Tuesdays

YR to Y3

Y4 to Y6

Basketball Wednesdays

Netball Wednesdays

Hockey Thursdays

YR to Y3

Y4 to Y6

DodgeBall Fridays

Other adverts and goings on…

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