Next Week…
School Closed
13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar Lessons
15:15 – 16:15 : Drumming Lessons
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
10:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
10:00 – 14:00 : Flute Lessons
12:00 – 12:30 : Percussion Club Y6
14:15 – 15:00: Tag Rugby Training with Zack
15:30 – 16:30 : Drumming lessons
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
08.30 – 11.30 : Maths on the Move
11:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
15:20 – 16:20 : Drama Club
15:30 – 16:15 : Y6 SATs Club (free, and bookable on Arbor)
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
09:30 – School Nursing Team Visit for Summer born babies in Year R.
08.30 – 11.30 : Rocksteady Rehearsals
14:40 – 15:00 – Star of Wonder Assembly
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
Dates for your Diary…
Organised by the PTA. Recycle outgrown clothes, and raise funds for the school at the same time.
Bring the to drop-off, and they’ll be collected outside the school gates. Thank you.
All to start in Week 2, from Monday 22nd April, apart from SATs Club.
Available to book on Arbor from 9am on Friday 29th April, Good Friday.
Charged @ £4 per session, full payment for the period of 5 weeks, required upfront.
Monday: Chess Club with Mrs Sowden for KS2
Tuesday: Fun Club with Mrs Adams for YR & KS1
Thursday: Construction Club with Mrs Austin for YR & KS1
Thursday: SATs Club with Mr Walsh for Y6 (starting Thurs 18th April)
N.B All Curveball Clubs will be starting the 2nd week back, w/c Mon 22nd April.
Tag Rugby Tuesdays
YR to Y3
Y4 to Y6
Basketball Wednesdays
Netball Wednesdays
Hockey Thursdays
YR to Y3
Y4 to Y6
DodgeBall Fridays
Lunch Menu…
Priory pizza and potato wedges,
Chicken curry and rice,
served with sweetcorn and green beans.
Jelly, grapes or fruit
Tomato & basil quiche,
Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing,
served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.
Apple crumble & custard or fruit
Jacket potato with cheese & beans
Chicken Wrap
served with green beans and sweetcorn and Mexican corn salad.
Mandarin & chocolate sponge, ice cream or fruit
Vegetarian Quesadillas,
Breaded fish
served chips, sweetcorn and peas.
Cookies or fruit
Headteacher Update…
Dear Parents and Carers
Happy Easter to all of our families celebrating Easter. I hope that everyone gets some time to enjoy as a family over this end of term holiday. The pupils have worked very hard this term and I am pleased with the progress the individual children have made, as well as the progress we have made as a school.
Some key events and achievements this term are:
- Continued to increase the number of sports events this term with children from all year groups except Reception, going out to represent the school in netball, football, tag rugby, athletics and cross country
- Had a successful International Week developing positive knowledge and attitudes regarding global citizenship and diversity
- Continued to work with the Hampshire school travel team and Highways agency to increase the safety of the roads outside of the school
- Enjoyed a fun World Book Day with a community parade
- Run extended pupil progress meetings to maintain good home-school partnerships
- Enjoyed PTA-funded trips for every year group to complement curriculum learning
- Increased the number tuition partnerships to give students support to succeed
- Ran a “Safer Internet Day“ to educate pupils about online safety
- Opportunities for pupils to participate in challenging workshops and competitions, like AIM high writing and St Gabriel’s maths challenge
- Inspired the pupils with a visit from GB athlete Kelly Simm; working with Sports for Schools to raise funds for additional equipment (like our second new table tennis table)
- A lovely PTA Easter event to bring the community together
- Won the Small School Netball Trophy at the area Netball finals
- and a fantastic KS1 show (see below)
I will be arranging some coffee mornings in Term 3, where parents will be invited to discuss some school development ideas. Details will follow.
Goodbye Mrs Coe
This week is the last week at The Priory for Mrs Coe who has given so much to our school over the years she has worked here. Some of the events that we will remember Mrs Coe for are:
- Being an excellent teacher
- Osmington Bay trips as the Year 6 teacher and end of Year productions,
- Development of White Rose Mathematics teaching across the school as Maths Lead,
- Helping development of the new curriculum from which we still work and teach across the school
- Fun themed days, like Greek Days and Spy days with her classes
She will be missed and we wish her the best of luck.
Key Stage 1 show – Rise & Shine
A big well done to the pupils and teachers from Years 1 and 2 who treated us to 2 amazing performances of their Springtime show – Rise & Shine.
As the Headteacher, I am very passionate about our pupils having opportunities to express themselves through sporting and musical opportunities. It was lovely to see so many children shine in this production – beautiful singing; lovely loud speaking; confidently following stage directions.
Well done to Poppy and Cassidy who presented an inspirational assembly about Usain Bolt.
House Points…



Sports News…
Sports Premium Maths Success:
In January we launched a 12-week trial of a brand-new Maths On The Move (MOTM) programme, which builds maths skills and confidence through sports activities. The trial has been an outstanding success and it is wonderful to see children really enjoying maths as they race around the hall or our lovely grounds. The children certainly look forward to Thursdays and have given their teachers lots of positive feedback. ActiveMe360 (the company delivering the programme) collect data each week so teachers can get a really robust idea of maths progress for the children too. We are therefore delighted to announce that MOTM will continue for the rest of the year. This initiative is paid for by the Government-funded sports premium so we will be looking to build MOTM into our sports premium funding budget for next year too.
Gymnastic Fantastic!
A group of our Year 3 & 4 children were out this week at the Active Life Centre’s Gymnastics Festival. It was a brilliant afternoon of expert coaching and skills based fun aimed at children that showed promise during our gymnastics PE sessions earlier this term but haven’t been exposed to formal gymnastics training outside of school. The group demonstrated some brilliant skills through the afternoon and represented our school with pride and sportsmanship.
Sponsorship funds…
…have big impact in school. Earlier this term our wonderful parents raised over £2000 in sports vouchers for our school by sponsoring their children to take part in a circuits session with GB gymnast Kelly Simms. Number 1 on our wish list was another outdoor table tennis table to allow more children to enjoy this fun activity during breaktimes. Watch out local schools at next year’s inter-school table tennis competition! We also bought:
- New equipment for athletics lessons, including aero throwers
- Outdoor enrichment and development equipment for KS1, including some easy rider bikes
- Movement-based learning tools for maths and English interventions in KS1-2 and SEN
- Additional balls, bats and french skipping ropes for playtimes
- Line marking machinery for the back playground
All of these new resources will make a difference to many children across the school on a daily basis, and help promote healthy activity and support learning in our school. Parents, you are brilliant! A massive thank you from all the children 😁
News from Year R…
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
It has been an exciting Easter themed week in Year R. The children have all made Easter baskets, completed some Easter colouring and painted a specific number of eggs in different baskets to represent different numbers. They have finished the week today with an Easter hunt too.
The children have also learnt about preparing and celebrating Easter. They have discussed Easter being in Spring and how Spring represents new life, which is all around us.
The children were very excited at the beginning of the week to find two new pedal bikes to use in our outdoor area. The children have all had lots of fun using these.
In Maths the children have been focusing on the numbers 14-20. They have been learning to recognise these numbers and begin to understand the concept of tens and ones e.g. 14 is made up of one ten and four ones.
It has been a busy and enjoyable term and we would like to thank you all for your continued support with your child’s learning. We hope you all have a lovely relaxing Easter with your family and friends and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 16th April feeling refreshed and ready to go for the Summer term.
Next week:
The children will start the term discussing and writing about their Easter holidays. Please feel free to share on Tapestry any photos or videos of any exciting adventures you have during the Easter holidays.
Have a lovely Easter.
The Year R team

Safeguarding and Wellbeing
Safeguarding over the Holidays…
As we approach the Spring holidays here is a list of resources that you may find useful if you need help and support over the break.
You will find a list of children and families services available here from the Southern Health Services.
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age.
Community Pantries- Hampshire
Community pantries offer access by membership to a range of food products, for a small weekly contribution you will receive food to a significantly higher value. Pantries organise activities, provide wraparound support services and opportunities for social interaction for all of their members.
Main Online Safety section from the NSPCC
Parent Guides –
Resources for parents with children with SEND –
Reporting concerns
Key actions to take if you have a concern that a child is in danger, may suffer harm and maltreatment…
- If you fear that a child is in immediate danger CALL 999 and report the concern
- IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU SHOULD DO – report your concerns to the DSL and team at school
Alternative options – as a member of the public you can report a concern to Hampshire’s Child Protection Services directly – information about the services is available here – this site provides useful information and learning about a range of abuse as well as what will happen when concerns are reported –
If you are a member of the public and wish to report any welfare/safeguarding concerns DIRECTLY TO CHILDREN’S SERVICES:- you can complete Hampshire’s online form here: online enquiry form
You can report a concern over the telephone and via email –
Phone 0300 555 1384
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Email Please note: Emails are dealt with during normal office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. At other times phone our out of hours number.
Out of hours – Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services Phone 0300 555 1373

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions
Star of Wonder Awards
The next awards will be Friday 19th April
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