Upcoming Events

Monday 25th September

8.50am- House Point Assembly
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 26th September

1-3pm Guitar Lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.15pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 27th September

11am – Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
12.45pm- Guitar Lessons
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
2.40pm- Singing Assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Thursday 28th September

11am-3.15pm- Piano Lessons
3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.20-4.15pm- Choir Club
3.20-4.15pm- Lego Club
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Friday 29th September

8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Menu this week


Cheesy Pasta & Roll

Fish Fingers & Diced Potatoes



Syrup Sponge & Custard


Ice Cream




Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges

Chicken Curry & Rice

Green Beans






Vegetable Hotpot & Yorkshire Pudding

Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion

Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips

Apple Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream

or Fruit


Jacket Potato with Cheese & Beans

Chicken Goujons & Vegetable Rice with BBQ Sauce

Green Beans


Pear Sponge


Ice Cream




Italian Veggie Cottage Pie

Breaded Fish








Dear Parents and Carers

Open Days

It is the time of year when parents of Nursery-aged children are looking for a good primary school for their child. 

We will be holding two open days over the Autumn term for this. If you have any friends with Nursery aged children, please let them know about these open days. We can only accept 29 children, but depending on where the applicants for the incoming cohort live, we do accept children from outside our catchment area. 

Parent Welcome Meetings

Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Welcome meetings this week. The feedback that we have received is that the meetings were useful and informative in letting you know the key class information and set-up, as well as meeting the teachers.

We are very open and responsive to feedback, so if you have any suggestions as to how to improve these meetings, or any other meetings, please email the school office (office@priory.hants.sch.uk) to let us know.

Settling-in meetings

On Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th October we will be running Settling-In meetings. These are 10-minute face-to-face meetings between the teachers and parents that focus primarily on the pastoral aspect of how well the pupils have settled into their new year group.

Parents have been emailed a link to sign up for these meetings.

The Tuesday 3rd October meetings will run from 2.40-5.30pm.

The Wednesday 5th October meetings will run from 4.50-7.30pm.


There has been some discussion in the press about school attendance. The pandemic along with the cost of living crisis has caused some families to re-evaluate their priorities. However, it is agreed that children who attend school more regularly will make better progress. As Headteacher, I get to see first-hand how hard the staff and pupils work when they are at school. In each individual lesson, we are looking for every child to make progress, so missing a chunk of school will have an impact. Of course, children get ill from time to time. We don’t want you to send your child in if they are too ill to learn. We see good attendance as anything over 95%.

Thank you for helping to keep your child’s attendance high. If you ever have any problems with your child coming to school it is most effective when we work together, so please talk to your child’s class teacher if you are having any difficulties.

House Points…





Safeguarding and Wellbeing 

This week our Safeguarding section highlights the NSPCC and all that it has to offer parents in terms of support and advice. As educators working alongside parents and carers at The Priory we are often asked for advice about a range of issues that impact a child and their family. The NSPCC is an invaluable resource for both us as a school and our families. Alongside its more well known and recognised work in the public eye, the NSPCC has a wide range of learning resources that schools and families can access. NSPCC learning provides a whole host of leaflets, workshops and training sessions to cover safeguarding, supporting and protecting our children and young people. 

The range of resources and materials available are listed below and can be accessed via the link here – https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/leaflets/parent-leaflets

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

Year 1

Freddie & Archer

Year 2

Ella, Alice & Evie-May

Year 3

Timmy, Jasper, Harvey & Coen

Year 4

Alexander, Primrose, Isla, Alyx & Reuben

Year 5


Year 6

Charlotte, Annabella, Clemmie & Evie

Congratulations to all! 

Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

The children have enjoyed sharing their family pictures and talking about who they live with this week. We have been discussing our families and looking at the photos that have been brought in or shared on Tapestry.

The children also started some Maths sessions and have began with looking at objects that are heavy/light and discussing the weight of different objects in the classroom. The children have also been looking at patterns. They have begun to talk about simple repeating patterns and have had a go at making their own simple repeating patterns.

Year 3 made an appearance in Year R this week to demonstrate how to be kind to each other. Year R were very excited and played lots of lovely games with the Year 3 children.

We have been practising our Phonics sounds this week using the Phonics cards we have sent home. Please continue to practise these at home with your child. Lots of practise will help your child become more familiar with the sounds they are learning.

Next week:

We will be introducing the book ‘Aaargh Spider’ with the children next week. They will be imagining they were a spider on their ceiling at home, creating a spider craft and thinking about how the spider was feeling in different parts of the story.

In Maths the children will be focusing on the numbers 1, 2, 3. They will be finding different ways to represent 1, 2 and 3 and learning to subitise 1, 2, 3. ‘Subitise’ means the ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count.

Please make sure that all children come into school with a waterproof coat. As the wet weather approaches we will continue to go outside.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

Extra Activities

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