Upcoming Events

Monday 16th October

Pantomime-Oliver Twist 

8.50am- House Point Assembly
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 17th October

 NO SCHOOL MINIBUS FOR END OF DAY (Please arrange alternative transport for your child home from school this day if they normally get the bus) 

2.15pm- 3pm Netball Practice

1-3pm Guitar Lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.15pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 18th October

NO SCHOOL BUS FOR THE MORNING (If your child normally comes to school on the school but please make alternative arrangements)

Year 5 Trip to Winchester Science Museum

11am – Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
2.40pm- Singing Assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Thursday 19th October

11am-3.15pm- Piano Lessons
3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3.20-4.15pm-Lego Club
3.20-4.15pm- Choir Club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Friday 20th October

8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Menu this week


Cheesy Pasta & Roll

Fish Fingers & Diced Potatoes



Syrup Sponge & Custard or Ice Cream or Fruit


Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges

Chicken Curry & Rice

Green Beans


Jelly or Grapes or Fruit


Vegetable Hot Pot & Yorkshire Pudding

Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion

Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips

Apple Crumble & Custard or Ice Cream or Fruit


Jacket Potato Cheese & Beans

Chicken Goujons & Vegetable Rice with BBQ Sauce

Green Beans


Pear Sponge or Ice Cream or Fruit


Italian Veggie Cottage Pie

Breaded Fish & Chips



Cookies or Fruit


Dear Parents/Carers,

Christmas cards

The children have been designing some amazing Christmas cards for you! Before half term your child will bring home a completed Christmas card design sheet that they have done at school. 

If you would like to order Christmas cards with your child’s design on the front please return the order form with the details completed to the school office by no later than Monday 30th October. Payment for the cards also must be made by this date to the payment details stated on the bottom of the order form. 

Rotary Shoe Box Appeal 

This year we are supporting the Rotary Shoe Box Appeal which aims to help disadvantaged and displaced children in Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and Ukraine. We would like to thank those of you who have donated items so far, it is much appreciated. 

The items that can be donated are: Small soft toys, picture books, hats, gloves, socks, soap, hairbrushes, flannels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, crayons and colouring books, small dolls, sports items, hair accessories, wash bags or card games. 

Items need to be in new or new condition to be donated. 

Please can we ask, if you can, that you make any donations you are able. Thank you in advance for your generosity with this. 

Open day

The school is having an open day for prospective Year R parents for 2024’s intake on Wednesday 18th October. We also have another Open Day planned for the 7th November so please pass on the word if you know anyone looking to join us in 2024! 

Parent meetings follow up 

Thank you to those of who attended the parents consultations last week. Please if you were unable to attend for any reason, it is really important you talk to your child’s teacher to find out how they have settled in. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher. 


On Monday 16th October we are very lucky to have a theatre company joining us to do a Pantomime of Oliver Twist. We are very much looking forward to this and we hope the children are too! 

School times change to 8.45am register close

Our attendance has recently been updated. To comply with governmental guidance about the length of school days, all of the Priory school registers will now close at 8.45am in the morning. This means the school day will be 8.45am-3.15pm from Monday to Friday which gives a school week of 32.5 hours. 

This does not change the timing that the school bell goes in the morning. Y3-6 will still line up after the 8.30am bell and YR-Y2 will still line up after the 8.40am bell. It’s just that the registers will close at 8.45am, so any pupil arriving to class after 8.45am will be registered as ‘Late after the register closed’.


Table tennis

On Monday, some Year 5 and 6 pupils were selected to represent The Priory at a table tennis tournament being held at Aldworth School in Basingstoke. We have a new all-weather table tennis table in the back playground and many pupils have been learning how to play the game since September. 

When we arrived at Aldworth and saw other schools warming up it was clear that we were facing very strong opposition. However, every one of the Priory Year 5 and 6 students tried their absolute best and all won at least one game. Their attitude was exemplary, especially against such a high standard of opposition and they were applauded for this in assembly this week. Even though we didn’t win, every player came back wanting to learn more about table tennis. Well done!!

As always, direct any news, views, offers and ideas to Mrs Marzetti at the Sports Desk.

After- School Clubs 


We are pleased to let you know that two more clubs will be running after half term with coach Zack. The links to sign up for the clubs is as follows:

Multi-skills R-Y2 (Wednesday)
Dodgeball Y3-6 (Friday)
As always all of the booking links can also be found on the curveball coaching website;
Please see the following posters for more details.

House Points…





Safeguarding and Wellbeing

This week our newsletter showcases Hampshire’s new family online platform. The Back to Basics project is the result of a campaign to support the 5 ways of wellbeing. *

Overall purpose of the project:

To support Families to manage their wellbeing by creating resilience and empowerment for families to manage their wellbeing within the home.

The main aim of the project is to empower Families to manage wellbeing within the home and to feel better equipped thus reducing the waiting list times for those who require speciality services.

Back to Basics

Empowering parents and carers to support their child’s emotional wellbeing within the home


The Back to Basics approach aims to empower parents to address their family’s well being concerns through considering the 5 key areas, by making small changes as a family, with guidance from information on the platform the hope is that a positive impact can be achieved for a family and the children within that environment.

The intention is that families take one of the 5 areas to work on, make small changes as a family to ensure that the foundations for family life are in place and can provide the environment where all can thrive. The project covers the basics needed for well being within family life – from healthy eating, sleep, exercise, and routines to looking after the adult’s wellbeing as well as that of the children in the family.

Through videos, resources and guidance the platform offers support to help families manage, develop and grow their family’s wellbeing.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

Year R 

Harley, Ottilie & Ava

Year 1

Jago, Elin & Annabelle

Year 2

Sofia, Dabira, Otega & Evie

Year 3

George, Heidi, Lewis & Lawson

Year 4

Max, Keira & Orson

Year 5

Simran, Darcy, Hetty & Adam

Year 6

Rory & Ella

Congratulations to all! 

Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

At the beginning of the week the children went to their first whole school assembly and they have also attended their first star of wonder assembly. The children all sat and listened well and we were proud of them all.

The children have been learning about what an author is and have been thinking about new characters they could have in the story ‘Aaargh Spider’. The children used their imaginations to come up with some interesting new characters. We had sharks, mermaids and three eyed monsters.

In Maths the children have been learning about shapes (circles and triangles). They made pictures using the different shapes and also enjoyed going on a shape hunt round the school finding circles and triangles.

Next week:

In Maths we will be continuing our work on shapes, with a focus on squares and rectangles. The children will be comparing the shapes and making their own shape pictures.

We will be making our own minibeast creatures using different junk modelling materials. Please could you send in some of your recycling materials to help us with this project (toilet roll tubes, yoghurt pots, egg boxes, small cardboard boxes etc). Please could you send them in on Monday as the children will begin making their minibeast creatures on Monday afternoon.

The children will also be learning about different minibeast creatures and singing some minibeast songs with actions.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R Team

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