School Uniform
We encourage all children to wear school uniform. It provides a strong identity and the children are proud to wear it.
– *Branded* Royal Blue cardigan or sweater
– *Branded* Navy Blazer (optional)
– White blouse / shirt (long or short sleeve)
– Grey skirt / trousers / pinafore or culottes
– Grey socks or tights
– Royal blue & silver striped tie
– *Branded* Royal Blue cardigan or sweater
– *Branded* Navy Blazer (optional)
– Option 1: Blue and white checked dress or jumpsuit with white socks
– Option 2: Grey shorts and socks, with a white short sleeved shirt and tie or *Branded* polo shirt (optional)
- SCHOOL SHOES must be all black and no boots please.
- ALL UNIFORM AND BELONGINGS MUST BE NAMED: Items are easily lost, and hard to find if they’re not labelled.
- NO JEWELLERY to be worn at school, except for stud earrings, which will need to be removed by the child prior to PE, or taped up.
- HAIR ACCESSORIES must be blue, black or brown and hair shoulder length or longer should be tied back neatly (for all children).
– *Branded* House T-Shirt
– Royal blue sweatshirt (*Branded* sweatshirt available (optional)
– Royal Blue shorts/cycling shorts or Navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings for winter.
– Plimsolls or trainers (not colour specific)
Purchasing Uniform
Please visit the School Uniform Shop on the PTA website to purchase new school uniform by following the link below:
If you wish to enquire about second hand uniform, please email the following address
More information about our uniform can be found in our uniform policy listed on this website.