
About arriving at school and attendance expectations:

At The Priory, we are very proud that our whole school attendance is consistently above national averages. We work hard to make our school a safe, happy and inclusive learning environment, and all children are expected to attend school every day unless they are too ill to attend.

Timings of the school day

7.30am – 8.20am Morning Club (optional; separate payment required)
8.30am – 3.15pm Year 3 to Year 6 (morning register closes at 8.45am)
8.40am – 3.15pm Reception to Year 2 (morning register closes at 8.45am)
3.15pm – 6.00pm The Oaks After School Club (optional; separate payment required)


Children can play on the front playground upon arrival then go into class after the morning bell. There is a drop-off option on the back playground for busy parents.


Parents can pick their children up from the front playground at 3.15pm. Alternatively, parents can do a quick pick-up on the back platyground between 3.20-3.30pm.  There is a school bus option for eligible pupils within the catchment area.