Virtual School Tour
Welcome to the Priory Primary School Virtual School Tour.
The Priory is a unique school. It is beautifully situated and our children are a pleasure to be with. There are many aspects of the school which, combined together, make the school what it is today. Firstly, of course, there are the children. The children join the school with a variety of previous experiences; we have no expectations about prior attainment and we are not selective. We simply work with the children at their individual stages of development.
There are many systems that support the formation of good attitudes to learning and encourage high standards of behaviour. However, perhaps the most important aspect of a child’s development is the happy atmosphere that pervades the entire school. Children actively want to come to school, they enjoy being with their friends and teachers and they love to learn.
It is hard to identify one specific feature of The Priory that makes the overall learning experience so special. We always aim to provide memorable events and opportunities and some of these are listed below:
- Bring a Guest Lunches: One child from each class is invited by the lunchtime staff to bring an adult guest to a special school dinner. The child is chosen for his/her impeccable behaviour at lunchtime.
- Sleepovers: Occasionally, as a fundraiser or as preparation for a residential visit, we hold a sleepover in the school hall. We have a campfire style evening meal and offer orienteering and team-building activities before bed (and possibly sleep!)
- Autumn and Summer Parties: We celebrate the start and the end of the year with a party, complete with disco, dressing up, and party food.
- The Annual Awards Ceremony: This is now in its 9th year and celebrates achievement, effort, progress, sport, citizenship, and the arts. Children are presented with a medal and a book token and they are greeted by rapturous applause from their admiring parents.
- Diverse Curriculum enrichment opportunities: From The Viking Man to drumming workshops, from the beautiful hawks from The Hawk Conservancy to the exotic animals of Zoolab, from artists in residence to visiting storytellers and theatre groups – the opportunities are as different as they are plentiful. Most recently the children have been visited by The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust who have led a number of outdoor creative activities in our annual “Outdoor Week”. A visit that the children are very much looking forward to is from The Crocodiles of the World organisation.
- Extra-Curricular Clubs to suit all tastes: Clubs operate after school, at lunchtime, and in the morning. They range from a before-school games club to colouring, multi-skills to rounders, computing to construction club.