House System
House Points…
After Falcon winning the house cup last year, which house is currently in the lead?
There are three houses at The Priory. On entry to the school, children are allocated randomly to a house, unless they have an older sibling in which case they join the same house. The house names, Falcon, Hawk and Kestrel were chosen by the children and each house has its own captain and vice captain, annually appointed by the staff following an interview.
Each week the children earn house tokens for good behaviour, manners, attitude, effort, or attainment. Tokens may be awarded by any member of staff and it is one of the roles of the house captains to count up the tokens prior to the weekly Star of Wonder Assembly and these totals are displayed on the House Captains noticeboard.
The children are proud to be a member of a school house and there is a friendly rivalry between the three groups for sport, PE, and life in general at school. The children wear house T-shirts with an emblem in the house colours (Red – Hawk, Yellow – Falcon, Green – Kestrel), and during our annual sports day, the children are easily identified to their particular house helping spectators who are supporting the teams. Occasionally, children work in house groups rather than year groups, for example, if we take more than one year group on a trip. This provides children with useful opportunities to work not only with their peers but with those older or younger than themselves.