Charity Donations

All about giving:

Here at the Priory we recognise that our children are fortunate in so many ways. From time to time in each school year we think that it is important to support a wide selection of charities. The children are always enthusiastic in their participation of events and the parents, equally generous.

We believe that as a school we look ‘out to the world’ rather than ‘in on ourselves’ and we hope that the children carry this philosophy with them throughout their future lives.

Our Charity Donations

​British Legion Poppy Appeal
We annually support this worthwhile charity and the children, as always, were keen to wear a poppy and donate their coins.

Macmillan Cancer Research
We host a yearly coffee morning in an effort to unite against cancer.

Children in Need
The children enjoy an annual non-school uniform day in return for donations to the BBC’s appeal.

Rotary Shoebox Appeal
We take part annually in the Rotary Shoebox appeal. The response is always fantastic with the children proudly bringing in brightly filled boxes of gifts for disadvantaged children overseas. The Basingstoke Loddon Rotary collect shoeboxes locally and delivers them to the District Depot in Andover. These boxes made their way to Albania, Moldova, and Montenegro where fellow Rotarians help distribute them to disadvantaged children in time for Christmas.

Save The Children
The staff and children wear a ‘Christmas Jumper’ in aid of Save the Children on the last day of the autumn term.

Comic Relief
Another non-uniform day for Comic Relief always produces a good response.

Harvest Festival
The proceeds from our annual autumnal harvest farmers market are sent to the Macmillan charity.

St Michael’s Hospice
We continue to support the St Michael’s Hospice and have a collection box in our reception area. In addition, we also hold a @mad Hair Day’, with contributions going to the hospice.