Upcoming Events

Monday 8th January

09:15 : National Child Measuring Programme, and Spring Born Year R vision screening. 
12:30 : Liguatastic French Club Y1-Y2
13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar lessons
After School 
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:20 – 16:30 : GOL Football
15:30 – 16:15 : Board Games Club  YR, Y1, Y2
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

Tuesday 9th January

13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar Lessons with Adele
After School
15:15 – 15:45 : Drumming Lessons
15:20 – 16:20 : Tag Rugby
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:30 – 16:15 : Art & Craft Club  Y3-6
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

Wednesday 10th January

11:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
12:00 – 12:30 :  Percussion Club Y6
13:00 – 14:00 : Flute Lessons
14:15 – 15:00 : Tag Rugby Team – training
After School
15:30 – 16:30 : Drumming lessons
15:30 – 16:20 : Multi-Skills
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

Thursday 11th January

08:30 – 11:30 : Maths on the Move
11:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
After School
15:20 – 16:30 : Hockey Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Drama Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

Friday 12th January

08:30 – 10:00 : Rocksteady band rehearsals
14:30 – 15:00 : Netball Team – training
14:40 – 15:15 : Star of Wonder Assembly
After School
15:15 – 16:20 : Dodgeball Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

Menu for the week commencing 8th January 2024


Cheesy pasta and bread roll, or

Fish fingers and diced potatoes,

served with sweetcorn and peas.

Syrup sponge & custard, ice cream or fruit


Priory pizza and potato wedges, or

Chicken curry and rice

served with green beans & sweetcorn

Jelly, grapes, or fruit


Vegetable Hot-Pot and Yorkshire pudding, or

Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing,

served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard, ice cream or fruit


Jacket potato with cheese and beans, or

Chicken goujons and vegetable rice with BBQ sauce,

served with green beans and sweetcorn.

Pear sponge, ice cream or fruit


Italian veggie Cottage pie, or

Breaded fish,

served with chips, sweetcorn and peas.

Cookies or fruit

Headteacher Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Change to reporting/parent meeting dates – Term 2

In November we communicated that we are updating the way we report on your child’s progress and attainment.  In this Spring term we will send parents a grade card giving a snapshot of how well your child is achieving in all curriculum subjects, along with some key achievements and next steps in Reading, Writing and Maths.  This report will form the basis of mid-year parent-teacher meetings.  We had  previously published the date of 19th and 21st March for these meetings, but these dates will be brought forward now. 

The grade cards will be emailed to parents on Monday 5th February.  The parent-teacher meetings will be held between 2.30-6.30pm on both 27th and 29th February. Parents will be sent sign-up details on Arbor closer to this date. 

Parking update 

As communicated before Christmas, we will continue the current end of day playground pick-up arrangement while we are still in liaison with the Hampshire Travel Planning Team.  This process will involve a parent survey about road safety/parking around the school area.  Any decisions made will be communicated to parents. 

Following recent feedback from the Priory Church and house, please could parents be aware when parking on the road or verge on the driveway to the church that this is private property, so please try to avoid churning up the grass there. Please be considerate of this. 

Lunch payments

This is a gentle reminder that we request that all school lunch accounts are kept in credit. 

We will send reminders to this effect through the term, so please do not take offence if you receive a reminder that your child’s account is coming close to zero credit. 

School-led Clubs:There are still some spaces left for these below (bookable on Arbor):

Board games for Y1-2 with Mrs Ewins  (just this first half of term)
Art & Craft for Y3-6 with Mrs Heathcote (just this first half of term)

The following clubs below, will be running after the half term break.
These clubs will be available to book through Arbor, and an email will be sent out when they go live.

Fun club for YR-2 with Mrs Adams (just for the second half of term)
SATs club (Y6 only) with Mr Walsh FOC (just for the second half of term)

The clubs will continue to run from 3.30-4.15pm, and continue to be charged at £4 per child per session except for SATs club which will be free of charge. 

These funds will go to the school. 

House Points…





Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Mental Health – Workshop Opportunities from CAMHS 2024

Across this coming year CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) are offering their FREE health and wellbeing events for parents, carers and professionals at a range of locations across Hampshire.  Having attended a previous event this opportunity is highly recommended.  Mrs Adams and Mrs Selwood will be attending the day in Basingstoke on Thursday 22nd February.  The information included lists the dates, times and venues as well as the itinerary for the days.  The workshops on offer range from supporting children with eating disorders, managing ADHD, understanding and managing anxiety, supporting your autistic child to thrive and looking after yourself to support your child amongst some of the sessions on offer.  If you are interested in attending, or would like to find out more, go online at https://hampshirecamhs.nhs.uk/events/ to book your workshops.

Reporting concerns

Key actions to take if you have a concern that a child is in danger, may suffer harm and maltreatment…


  • If you fear that a child is in immediate danger CALL 999 and report the concern
  • IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU SHOULD DO – report your concerns to the DSL and team at school

Alternative options – as a member of the public you can report a concern to Hampshire’s Child Protection Services directly – information about the services is available here – this site provides useful information and learning about a range of abuse as well as what will happen when concerns are reported –


If you are a member of the public and wish to report any welfare/safeguarding concerns DIRECTLY TO CHILDREN’S SERVICES:- you can complete Hampshire’s online form here: online enquiry form

You can report a concern over the telephone and via email –

Phone 0300 555 1384   
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Email childrens.services@hants.gov.uk     Please note: Emails are dealt with during normal office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. At other times phone our out of hours number.      

Out of hours – Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services Phone 0300 555 1373 


Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

Welcome back to our new term. This week the children have all enjoyed sharing their Christmas holiday news and it has been lovely to listen to them sharing their news with excitement. It sounds like everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyable break and we are looking forward to an enjoyable and busy term ahead. We would like to thank all of you for posting lots of wonderful photos and videos of what your children did during the Christmas holidays. It has been lovely to share these photos with the rest of the class too.

The children have also been writing about what they did during the Christmas holidays. They used their phonics knowledge to write down words of their choice to describe their Christmas holiday.

In Maths the children have been learning about the numbers 6, 7 and 8. They practised recognising numbers up to 8 and ordered them from 0-8. They have also been looking at different ways to make these numbers and exploring 1 more than a number up to 8.

The children have also discussed different seasons. They have explored what it is like in the different seasons with a particular focus on Winter. The children also created some Winter craft to make a lovely Winter display in the classroom.

Next week:

In Maths we will continue our work on the numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children will be looking at numbers 1 less than a number up to 8, making pairs and exploring what doubling means e.g. 4 and 4 makes 8.

The children will also begin our topic for this term ‘Woodland Animals’ linked to our core text The Gruffalo.  We will begin by reading the story, joining in with the repeated phrases in the book and thinking of words to describe the Gruffalo character.  We will also be singing a Gruffalo song to help us remember all the different features of the Gruffalo.

We would like to say a big thank you for the wonderful gifts and cards that you gave us for Christmas.  We really do appreciate your kindness.  We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and had lots of fun.

We wish you and your family a very happy 2024.

The Year R team

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

The next Star of Wonder Awards will be held Friday 12th January 2024.


There’s still time to sign up to any of the Curveball Coaching After School Clubs.  Links below… they all start again next week.  

Tag Rugby Tuesdays

from 9th January

YR-Y3 : https://bookthatin.com/link/1M0FVQ

Y4-6 : https://bookthatin.com/link/85EV6K

Multi-skills Wednesdays

from 10th January

YR- Y2 :  https://bookthatin.com/link/2O3R84

Hockey Thursdays

from 11th January

YR-Y3 : https://bookthatin.com/link/RK82OB

Y4-Y6 : https://bookthatin.com/link/8V7BSC

Dodge-Ball Fridays

from 12th January

Y3-6 :  https://bookthatin.com/link/8ZHRWI 

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