Lunch Menu…
Vegetable pasta
Beef Bolognaise pasta
Jacket potato with tuna sweetcorn mayo
served with sweetcorn and peas.
Iced sponge or fruit
Priory pizza and potato wedges
Honey & Soy chicken and rice
served with sweetcorn and peas.
Jelly and fruit
Cheese & chive swirls
Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing
served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.
Apple crumble & custard, Ice cream, or fruit
Quorn sausages
Sherfield sausages
Veggie bean cake
served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.
Lemon spice slices or fruit
Vegetable chilli and rice
Breaded fish and chips,
served with sweetcorn and peas.
Chocolate cake with chocolate sauce, or fruit
Next Week…
***NO MINIBUS SERVICE from the afternoon***
Whole School: Cricket Lessons with Ramsdell Cricket
12:30 – 13:00 : Linguatastic French club
13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Chess Club with Kirsten (2nd out of 3)
15:20 – 16:30 : GOL Football Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
13:00 – 15:00 : Guitar Lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Tag Rugby Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
6pm: RSE online meeting for Y5 and Y6
2PM: Long Distance Race for Y1-Y6
parents welcome, please see separate email
12:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
10:00 – 14:00 : Flute Lessons
12:00 – 12:30 : Percussion Club Y6
1pm – 2pm : Tag Rugby Team training with Zack
15:30 – 16:30 : Netball/Basketball Club
15:30 – 16:30 : Drumming lessons
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
5PM: Parents Evening for new Year R September 2024
Whole School: – Fencing lessons
08.30 – 11.30 : Maths on the Move
09:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
14:30 – 15:00 : Y6 swimming
15:20 – 16:20 : Drama Club
15:20 – 16:30 : Hockey Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
08.30 – 11.30 : Rocksteady Rehearsals
1pm – 3pm: KS1 Quad Kids Event
14:40 – 15:00 : Star of Wonder Assembly
15:20 – 16:30 : Dodgeball
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare
15:20 – 16:30 – KS2 “Stay and Play” on the Adventure Trail
Year 6 to donate some cakes if possible please.
Dates for your diary…
KS2 Performances
Years 3 and 4: Wednesday 10th July in the afternoon. Timings TBC. (Dress rehearsal on Tues 9th July)
Years 5 and 6: Tuesday 16th July in the afternoon. Timings TBC. (Dress rehearsal on Mon 15th July)
Headteacher Update…
Dear Parents and Carers
We have received correspondence from Rt Hon Ranil Jayawardena MP regarding the impact of smartphones on children’s wellbeing. Mr Jayawardena has launched a survey for parents regarding this issue. The survey can be found at
Mobile phones are not allowed for pupils at The Priory. The following extract is taken from our Mobile Phone and Personal Device Policy which can be found on our school website at :
4. Use of mobile phones / personal electronic devices by pupils
Pupils are not permitted to use a mobile phone / or any other external communication device (e.g. a smart watch- that allows external communication) whilst at school.
Any pupil who has a mobile phone for their journey to and from school (as provided by a parent) – will need to hand the device into the teacher at the beginning of the day and have it returned at the end.
Smart watches are permitted as long as the child wearing it uses it only as a watch / fitness monitor. Apps and features such as music, camera, texts, messaging and phone use are not to be engaged with under any circumstance and the device will be confiscated if apps such as these are used.
All devices that are brought in by children are done so at their own risk and the parents will accept full liability for any damages caused.
Any child permitted to bring a mobile phone to school should first complete the permission form – see Appendix 1, which must be signed by a senior leader BEFORE a phone is permitted to be brought to school.
Online safety is taught through the Priory PSHE and Computing curriculum.
Additionally, as reported in the 3rd May 2024 newsletter, our school computer network is maintained and secured. We monitor any internet use through our school network, and follow up on any concerning internet activity.
More information for parents about mobile phones in schools can be found here.
Sports at The Priory
This week has been super exciting as we have started June which is our month of sports (which is made even more exciting as the Olympics and Euros are starting soon too!). This week the pupils have enjoyed extra Karate and Archery lessons, and are busy practising their athletics in preparation of the long distance running event next week on Wednesday 12th June.
A massive well done and thank you, to Mrs Marzetti who has worked tirelessly to arrange not just sports day, but all of the extra events that the children are enjoying.
House Points…



Sports News…
Sports Day: 20th June
Timings TBC. Approximate start time at the moment, of 9.30am.
Parents should be able to take children home by 1.15pm.
Long Distance Running Races – 12th June 2pm
Thanks to all for the positivity surrounding our new look sports day – GO Team! We are also planning a new look longer distance running event as part of our extended festival of sport this year. This frees up some time at sports day and allows younger children to also be involved as part of our sports opportunities for all initiative! This will be an open event, so if your child decides to participate why not come along and cheer them on!
Charismatic karate world champion and all-round legend Kevin McAuslan-Crine kicked off our June Festival of Sports with a loud and energetic bang! The children were entirely captivated by his dynamic teaching style and fun approach to martial arts. The PE curriculum can sometimes seem heavily ball-orientated and it was just fantastic to see such a wide spectrum of children of all ages joining in, laughing and enjoying healthy physical activity. Originally from Basingstoke, Kevin is still competing and coaching internationally, as well as being a local sports leader teaching karate to both children and adults across the area, flyers should have made their way to school bags but you can check out the website too for more information
Continuing our ball-free theme the children all released their inner Robin Hood with a fantastic introductory session to Archery. Luckily the arrows were all child friendly – we did witness quite a few suckered to the bullseyes and a few more a little wider of the target! One or two even narrowly skimmed a teacher who will remain nameless! Archery is a brilliant example of sport that requires focus, accuracy, a steady hand and a calm mind so it’s accessible to children with all kinds of interests.
Access to diverse sports and promoting a love of sports and physical activity is the driving force behind the festival of sport this year and we’ve had a brilliant first week! Next week will also be a corker with Ramsdell Cricket Club hosting a cricket day, our first ever dedicated long distance race event, the Tag Rugby team competing at the Basingstoke Schools festival, our first Inspirational Sports Assembly – swimmer and Priory auntie Verity Limm – AND hosting the regional KS1 Quad Kids athletics tournament. Phew, it’s a busy one! Sport for all at The Priory!
Star of Wonder & Special Mentions
Star of Wonder Awards
YEAR R: Ava, David and George
YEAR 1: Matilda, Thomas, Sabella and Remi
YEAR 2: none this week
YEAR 3: Timmy, Louis and Charlie
YEAR 4: Max, Charlie and Reuben
YEAR 5: none this week
YEAR 6: Evie, Amelli and Charlotte
Special Mention to...
Our amazingly talented Sophia competed in the regional qualifier of the UK Aerial Performance Championship back in May. The top 3 scoring competitors for each category are invited to compete in the final (from all regional events and international video submissions). The finalists were announced this week, and Sophia has made it to the final with her Aerial silks routine! She also finished 5th with her Aerial hoop routine and is on the reserve list. Such an amazing achievement for her in the Junior category, congratulations Sophia!
Special Mention to...
To our superstar Joseph, who completed the Henley kids triathlon, for the second year running! Fantastic achievement, well-done Joseph!
News from Year R…
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
It has been a busy start to our final term in Year R. The children have begun learning all about different animals that live on the farm, where the animals might live and the different jobs you might do on the farm. The children have also been painting farm animals of their own choice and making paper plate sheep.
In Maths the children have been practising their addition and subtraction skills. They have been using objects to work out simple addition and subtraction sums and have also learnt how to write a number sentence using the symbols plus (+), minus (-) and equals (=).
In PE, Sports Day practise has started. The children have been practising long jump and throwing bean bags into hoops at different distances. They even practised their addition skills when working out their score for the beanbag activity.
The children have also been practising to read words containing different digraphs/trigraphs. They have been playing games where they match the picture to the correct word.
Next week:
We begin the week with a very exciting ‘Farm Day’. A reminder to come in on Monday dressed as your favourite farm animal or as a farmer for the day. The children will participate in some exciting farming activities. On the same day we will be receiving chick eggs which we will be keeping for 2 weeks. After a couple of days, we will hopefully see some eggs hatching.
Part of the process of looking after the chicks when they have hatched is cleaning out their box each day. We require newspaper each day to lay in the box. Please could you send in any newspaper you have at home for us to use for this on Monday or Tuesday next week.
In Maths, the children will be revisiting number bonds to 5 and 10. At the end of Year R one of the Early Learning goals is to recall all number bonds to 5, and some to 10.
The children will also be learning about Road Safety. They will watch a short video and be discussing some important rules about road safety.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year R team

News from the PTA…
Safeguarding and Wellbeing
We have been working with the Hampshire Travel team, Hampshire Highways, and have a newly formed connection with Pamber Parish Council, to look at the ways in which we can improve safety and parking around the school site at key times in the school day – morning drop offs and afternoon collections. Please click here to read more details on our Road Safety Update.
Reporting concerns
Key actions to take if you have a concern that a child is in danger, may suffer harm and maltreatment…
- If you fear that a child is in immediate danger CALL 999 and report the concern
- IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU SHOULD DO – report your concerns to the DSL and team at school
Alternative options – as a member of the public you can report a concern to Hampshire’s Child Protection Services directly – information about the services is available here – this site provides useful information and learning about a range of abuse as well as what will happen when concerns are reported –
If you are a member of the public and wish to report any welfare/safeguarding concerns DIRECTLY TO CHILDREN’S SERVICES:- you can complete Hampshire’s online form here: online enquiry form
You can report a concern over the telephone and via email –
Phone 0300 555 1384
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Email Please note: Emails are dealt with during normal office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. At other times phone our out of hours number.
Out of hours – Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services Phone 0300 555 1373

Summer Camp information…
Summer Clubs
Please note that there will be two new summer camps running at The Priory this summer and The Oaks will continue to run their summer club at Mortimer St Mary’s.
22nd – 26th July: Summer Camp with Mrs Enticknap
(a Priory parent and qualified teacher) . Please click here for full details and then click here for the booking form and email to
29th July – 16th August: Curveball Summer Camp with Coach Zack
Please click here for more information and click here to book
5th – 23rd August: The Oaks at Mortimer St. Mary’s
Please click here for details or email for more details.
Curveball Club information and sign up…
All starting from Tuesday 23rd April.
Tag Rugby Tuesdays
YR to Y3
Y4 to Y6
Basketball Wednesdays
Netball Wednesdays
Hockey Thursdays
YR to Y3
Y4 to Y6
DodgeBall Fridays
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