In September…


12.00 – 12.30pm: French Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: French Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school

3.20-4.30pm: GOL Football YR-6
3.15-3.45pm: Drumming Lessons
3.20-4.15pm: Lego Club YR-Y2 with Mrs Ewins
3.20-4.15pm: Maker Club Y3-Y4 with Mr Walsh – CANCELLED – running TUESDAY instead. 
3.20-4.30pm: Cricket Club YR-6
3.20-4.15pm: Netball Club 
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12.00 – 12.30pm: Spanish Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: Spanish Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school
No Gardening club this half of term
3.15-4.15pm: MAKER Club (instead of Monday)
3.20-4.20pm: Tag rugby with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


10.30am – 3pm: Piano Lessons
10.30am – 3pm: Flute lessons

After school
3.30pm – 4.30pm: Netball/Basketball with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


Y5 Trip to Winchester Science Centre

12pm – 3.15pm: Piano Lessons

After school
NO Drama Club this half of term
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Hockey Club
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Art Club
3.15pm – 6pm : The Oaks childcare


FLU VACCINATIONS for all classes.

8.30am – 11am: Rocksteady Rehearsals
2.40pm: Star of Wonder Assembly

After school
3.30pm – 4.30pm:  Quidditch Club YR-6
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare

AUTUMN DISCO 3.15pm – 5pm for KS1 / 5.15pm for KS2 
Non-School uniform day for £1 cash.
un by the PTA

Lunch Menu…


Vegetable pasta
Beef Bolognaise pasta
Jacket potato with tuna sweetcorn mayo
served with sweetcorn and peas

Iced sponge or fruit


Priory pizza and potato wedges


Honey & Soy chicken and rice


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Jelly and fruit


Cheese & chive swirls


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Veggie bean cake


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Lemon spice slices or fruit


Vegetable chilli and rice


Breaded fish and chips,


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Chocolate cake with chocolate sauce, or fruit

Headteacher’s Update…

Dear Parents and Carers,

Wish Tree wishes… 

Year R – “Plastic crates for outdoor construction area”

Year R – “2 x Ikea (or similar) Kallax unit – 4 cube”. Used or new, needed for the classroom.

Year 3 – “Large amount of felt tip pens”

If you would like to donate any of the items above, please pop into reception and take the wish off the tree before purchasing.  HUGE THANKS. 

Whole School Keyboard:  It would be great to be able to accompany performances, and singing assemblies etc. with a “weighted” keyboard, as well as other events and opportunities.  We’d like to invest in a high quality keyboard and these don’t come cheap, we hope we can make this happen with the support of our wider Priory Community.  If you would be willing to donate to a fund to buy a proper “weighted” keyboard for the hall, please may we ask you CLICK HERE and pop your name on this google form, with the amount you’d be happy to contribute.  All the pennies help.

Table Tennis tournament 

Well done to the pupils who were selected for the table tennis squad to represent The Priory at the annual Basingstoke Schools Table Tennis Tournament at The Blue Coat School. 

They played well against some stiff competition. The girls managed to win the small schools trophy! 

Northern Lights over The Priory

We just wanted to share this beautiful photo of the Northern Lights over the Priory taken by our Site Manager, Mr Henry. 

Drone footage on the website

During our Open Day, our students were very interested in seeing the drone footage that was kindly arranged by Mrs Bowden through her colleagues at AWE.  If you would like to see this footage (along with some other cool photos) please visit the virtual school tour page on our website.  

Flu Vaccinations

Please note that the school flu vaccination team will be visiting The Priory next week on Friday 25th October to administer the nasal flu vaccination to all children for whom the NHS has received consent.   If you haven’t completed the form, please do so, even if it is to decline.  

Behaviour focus 

Our whole school behaviour focus this coming week will be  to ‘Eating and talking quietly and sensibly at lunchtimes’. The children will attend an assembly about this focus on Monday morning. 

House Points…




News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

As part of our ‘Minibeasts’ topic the children enjoyed watching a video clip telling them about different minibeasts. They also had the opportunity to make their own minibeasts using junk modelling materials. Thank you for bringing in the materials for us to use for this activity. The children were all very excited to make their own minibeast and they all had some lovely ideas.

In Maths, the children have been told what ‘subitising’ means (saying the number without needing to count) and have been practising their subitising skills. To practise subitising with your child you could get them to roll a dice and tell you what the number is they have rolled. Can they remember the number without needing to count the dots? The children have also learnt about the number 4 number block and how 4 cubes can be positioned in different ways e.g. 1 on top and 3 on the bottom.

We have completed Phonics assessments with the children this week. We went through the sounds they have learnt in school so far. The children did really well on identifying the sounds. We would like to thank you for your hard work on supporting your child with their Phonics at home. It has a huge impact on your child’s learning. Please could you continue to support your child with helping them to learn the sounds and Harder to Read and Spell words. Once your child is confident on the set they have please do remember to write a note in their reading diary otherwise we won’t be able to give them the next set. Thank you in advance.

It has also been a ‘Kindness’ focus this week for the whole school. In Year R we discussed how we can be kind and we decided to have a focus on how we can be kind around the school. The children came up with ideas such as giving someone a smile, saying hello and holding a door open for someone.

Next week:

The children will be exploring pumpkins. They will be describing the outside and inside of a pumpkin and writing down some interesting words. They will also have the opportunity to draw or paint their own pumpkin.

The children will also be discussing Diwali, the Festival of Light. The children will watch a video about Diwali and also have the opportunity to make some Diwali craft.

In Maths the children will be comparing quantities. They will be encouraged to use the language of comparison to describe sets of objects that they can see. We will be modelling the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to describe how many objects there are in each set. The language of ‘fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’ because the focus is on countable things.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R Team. 

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

YR – Amber, Ashleigh and Annabelle

Y1 – Annie, Lally, Paige and Sebby

Y2 – Annie, Olive, Arthur and Beatrice

Y3 – Albert and Ella

Y4 – Elodie, Harvey and Coen

Y5 – Isabella, Alannah and Sonny

Y6 – Darcy, Elsie and Joshua


For the weekly update on Safeguarding, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Safeguarding section on the website, where the weekly Safeguarding section can be found each week.

Half Term Camp

Running on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October at The Priory.  Check out all the fun from their Summer camp this year on Instagram at @holiday_camp_with_mrseandmisso

Download the booking form by clicking here

Posters from the community….

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