Upcoming Events
Monday 24th April
YR 3 Trip to QMC Science Centre
10am– 10.45am KS2 Live Drawing Crown– Linked to Coronation
3.15pm – 4.15pm– Netball club (Yrs 5 and 6)
3.15pm – 4.15pm– GOL Football Club
3 .15pm-4.15pm- Percussion Club (Yrs R, 1 and 2)
Tuesday 25th April
YR 6 Parents Evening Meetings
1-3pm Guitar lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club
3.15-4.30pm Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Board Games and Puzzles club (Yrs R, 1 and 2)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Wednesday 26th April
1 2-3pm Piano lessons
3 .15—3.45pm Drumming lessons
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Thursday 27th April
YR 6 Parents Evening Meetings
Drop-off and Pick-up arrangements are different (see note from Mr Walsh)
12-3pm—Piano lessons
3.30-4.30pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Y4-6 Tag Rugby Club
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Friday 28th April
Y3/4 Aim Higher Writing Day
9-11am Rocksteady
2.40pm Awards assembly
3.15-4.30pm Muli Sports club
3.15-4.15pm- Singing Club (Yrs 3,4,5 and 6)
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Menu this week
Cheesy Pasta and Roll
Fish Fingers and Diced Potatoes
Fish Fingers &
Diced Potato
Sweetcorn / Peas
Lemon Drizzle Cake or Ice Cream
Quorn Sausages
Sherfield Sausages
Somerset Stew with Cheddar and Parsley Mash Potato
Roll or Mash Potato Brocolli Baked Beans
Roasted Pepper Tart
Roast Turkey with
Sage & Onion
Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips
Apple Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream
Jacket Potato Cheese and Beans
Beef Lasagne and Garlic Bread
Tuna Salad and Garlic Bread
Sweetcorn, Green Beans
Ice Cream or Banana Custard
Butternut Squash Cake
Breaded Fish
Honey Roast Gammon
Peas /
Cookies or Fruit
New Website
I am pleased to announce that the new Priory Primary School website is now ready and live. You can access it at the same Priory web address theprioryprimaryschool.org.uk. We are very pleased with the site as it shows the school off in all its glory. The site has been designed to be useful for current parents and anyone interested in knowing more about the school. It has all of the useful links and info you need as parents including the school calendar, newsletter links, school policies, PTA uniform shop link, and useful forms to download.

We will still use Seesaw as the main communication for class learning, but there will be class pages on the website to see the main info you need to know, including key staff members, trips, dates, core text lists, and so on.
The website is live now so please go to https://theprioryprimaryschool.org.uk/ to check it out. As with most websites, our new website will always grow and change. If you have any feedback or suggestions for how to improve the site, please let us know.
We are always interested in getting volunteers to help out at school. There are a variety of ways that you can volunteer at The Priory to make a difference to the lives of the pupils, from helping out in the school library, helping with gardening, accompanying on trips, reading with individuals, or sharing information about interesting life or career experiences you’ve had.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school office at office@priory.hants.sch.uk
Clubs restart
External clubs have restarted this week and the new staff-led clubs for term 3 will start next week, with netball, board games and puzzles, and singing clubs starting as new clubs.
The staff-led Term 2 clubs have stopped now, and this includes the Y6 Booster Club.
Gate Arrangements
This Thursday 27th April we will be having work done to upgrade the security of the front gate. The gate will have an intercom that visitors will need to buzz to request access into the school during school hours.
As the work will take all day on the 27th April, it means we will need to have a different drop-off and pick up arrangement that day.
- All children need to be dropped off and picked up in the back playground on Thursday 27th April.
- Parents should stick to the following times:
· Y5-6 8.20-8.30am;
· Y3-4 8.30-8.40am;
· Y1-2 8.40-8.50am;
· YR 8.50-9am
Pick up
· YR 3-3.10;
· Y1-2 3.05-3.15pm;
· Y3-4 3.10-3.20pm;
· Y5-6 3.15-3.25pm
- If you have siblings, please go with the youngest siblings’ times, eg A family with children in Y5 and Y2 should use Y2 drop off and pick up times.
- Taxis and special arrangements – use the earliest timings
- Staff members will be in the back playground to help children safely to and from the cars.
- Y6 parents visiting the school for parent meetings on Thursday afternoon will still be able to use the front gate
- Anyone else needing to access the school site outside of the pickup and drop-off times, please come to the front gate and call the office on 01256 850062 and we will arrange access.
Promoting Positive Behaviour at The Priory School
At the Priory, we have high expectations of behaviour in relation to all of the members of our school community. Our behaviour policy adopts a positive approach to good behaviour choices, the positive language of behaviour as well as the nurturing aspects of behaviour. We believe that all behaviour communicates a need and as a result our children are supported and dealt with on an individual basis when it comes to supporting them with their behaviour choices – be they ‘good’ or ‘challenging.’
As we enter the Summer term, as a staff, we have decided to reinforce and promote the core aims of our Code of Conduct for behaviour and we have been talking to and working with the children across the school this week to revisit, discuss and reinforce the expectations for behaviour throughout our daily lives at school.
New poster displays have been created to share with the children and these will be displayed in classrooms as well as the wider areas across the school. All adults in the school will be looking to both model and celebrate good examples of the code being followed and ‘lived-by’ in our children’s interactions with each other, staff and visitors.
Please help us to reinforce, embed and encourage the importance of our codes with your children at home, so that we are all working together to ensure that The Priory continues to be a happy, safe, welcoming and positive environment, in which everyone thrives.

New House Playtime Reward
As a new motivational and rewarding outcome of ‘good’ choices, we are going to introduce a new House based reward. During our Monday morning assemblies, the House Captains announce the house point totals for the preceding week. As a staff, we have decided that we would like to reward the weekly progress and achievement of house point to the House that has worked towards gaining the most points in a week. The successful House will be rewarded with a ‘House playtime’ on the adventure trail during the Summer months, so that as a team they can play, socialse and celebrate their success.
Bank Holidays and Other News…
Please note that the school will be closed on the Bank Holidays on the 1st and the 8th May.
Coronation – We will celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on Friday 5th May. During the day the children will do crown activities and there will be a special tea party lunch for the children to enjoy together. At 2.30pm on Friday 5th May, parents are invited in to enjoy an exhibition of the artwork produced during the day.
Good Luck!
Everyone at The Priory would like to say a big GOOD LUCKto our finance officer Lisa who is running the London Marathon this weekend! We hope you enjoy the amazing experience!

House Points…




A big well done to the following children for achieving awards this week.
Year R—Neave, Skye & Oliver
Year 1 – Layla, Isla, Poppy & Joseph
Year 2 – Timmy, Coen & Lilah
Year 3 —Joey, Sonny & Tilly
Year 4 – Joshua J, Joshua C, Sofia & Poppy
Year 5—Clemmie, Evie & Annabelle
Year 6 – Molly A, Thomas W & Rene
Year R Tadley Library Display
Students in year R have been working hard on their core text ‘Augustus and his smile’ and have created some amazing colourful tigers and leaf pictures for this.
Click/tap to zoom…
This work is currently being displayed in Tadley Library so please do pop in and have a look at the wonderful pieces of artwork they have created. The library is very impressed with their new display and we can see why! Great job, Year R!
Safeguarding and Wellbeing
Family Support and Signposting for help…
In this week’s section, we aim to provide information and signposting for organisations and agencies that provide support for a range of family needs.
NHS Healthy Start Scheme

What is Healthy Start?
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. For full information on eligibility criteria and how to apply go to – https://www.healthystart.nhs.uk/
Hampshire Healthy Families – Hampshire CHAT HEALTH
ChatHealth is a confidential text support service for parents, carers, families, and young people in Hampshire manned by Southern Health health visitors and school nurses.
There are three ChatHealth services for:
- Parents and carers of children under 5
- Parents and carers of children and young people aged 5-19 years
- Young people aged 11-19
Any text sent outside opening hours will receive an automated message with the advice of where to get help if their question is urgent. Out-of-hours texts will be replied to within one working day.
YPI Counselling
YPI Counselling is a registered charity offering confidential counselling to young people aged 11-25 in the Basingstoke and Deane area. Working closely with local doctors, schools, colleges and Children’s Services we offer counselling to support a wide range of issues affecting young people and parents, with the aim of helping families reach their full potential. Young people can access our services individually.
Their services are free of charge as they are funded by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, Hampshire County Council and the North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group amongst others. Currently, their counselling wait lists are closed as they are refreshing their services and further information about their services are available at – https://www.ypicounselling.co.uk/

As a not-for-profit community counselling service, MINDSPACE FOUNDATION COUNSELLING pride themselves on providing mental health support that their clients can trust. They provide adult, youth and young child counselling, as a linked organisation to YPI they offer counselling at a charge – Sessions are charged at £60 and generally children are offered 6 sessions of support.

Reception Year News
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
The children were all very excited to be back in school this week. It was lovely to hear about what they all did during the Easter holidays. All the children have had the opportunity to share what they did during the Easter holidays and have completed some writing about this.
In Maths the children have been working on addition. The children have been looking at first, then, now stories where they look at how many you have first, then how many you add and how many you have now altogether. The children have been acting out addition stories. For example, 4 children are on the bus, 2 more children get on the bus. How many children are now on the bus? The children have also been completing some simple addition number sentences and learning how to write them.
In PE this week Coach Zack started a new sport for this term. The children will be learning some tennis skills and this week they all had lots of fun using a beanbag to hit into a hoop and learning how to serve using a beanbag.
Next week:
The children will be continuing their work on Billy’s Bucket. They will be getting to know the order of the story and creating their own story maps. They will also complete some posters to help Billy find the lost animals.
The children will also be completing some artwork linked to Billy’s Bucket which will then be displayed in the classroom.
In Maths the children will be working on subtraction using practical resources, playing games and learning how to write subtraction number sentences.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year R team

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