Sports & Sports Premium

Sports at the Priory Primary School:

Children at The Priory are able to participate in a wide range of sporting activities including football, dodgeball, tag rugby, cricket, rounders, netball, athletics and gymnastics.

The school was awarded an Activemark for its provision of physical activity and despite its size, is able to form teams for a variety of inter schools sporting tournaments. We are very proud of our achievements in these tournaments, many of which we have been fortunate to win. Sport is coached by members of staff, volunteers, and external providers.

Children at The Priory are very active. All enjoy a minimum of two hours of quality PE each week which may include team games, dance, gymnastics, use of the large and small apparatus, and the outdoor adventure trail and tyre park.

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Many children participate in extra-curricular sporting activities. These include football, judo, multi-skills, and rounders. In recent years we have held a variety of exciting extracurricular sporting workshops, these have included skipping, hooping, tennis, and circus skills.

The school has an annual sports day in the Summer Term. This is always well attended by family and friends. The children take part in a variety of competitive track events and there is always a great deal of support from the sidelines. Afterwards, families gather for a picnic and occasionally we have lovely surprises such as a fly past by the Red Arrows or the odd spotting of a Spitfire!

Children’s achievements in sport are recognised weekly throughout the year in our Star of Wonder assemblies and at our annual awards ceremony in May where one child from Reception to Year 6 is recognised for their outstanding achievement in this area. A strong sporting programme not only helps to make our children fit and healthy but also enables them to develop skills of teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership.

What is the Sports Premium?

The Sports premium is an annual grant given to schools, originally as part of the olympic legacy, to provide sustainable, substantial primary school sports provision.

The funding is ring-fenced for sport and PE provision but schools have the freedom to choose how it is spent. The Priory Sports Premium Report details how this money was spent last academic year, and how it will be spent this academic year.

​Download the report which provides details of our Sports Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding:

Report 2022 – 2023

Report 2023-24 and plan 2024-25