Curriculum Overview

The Priory School follows the National Curriculum for England. This is packaged in a broad and balanced curriculum where knowledge and skills are learned progressively across the year groups.

The curriculum map below shows the curriculum coverage in each year group. The way that this learning is brought to life is what makes the Priory curriculum unique. We use our amazing staff team, community, and grounds to create interesting and varied experiences for the children to build their learning from.

If you would like to find out more than what is shown below about the Priory curriculum, please contact the school office at

Priory Primary School Curriculum Map

Reading at The Priory

Reading underpins much of the learning in the rest of the curriculum, so it is essential to prioritise this right from the start.

From Term 1 in Reception class, the pupils learn to read through the Essential Letters & Sounds (ELS) programme, which is a government-approved synthetic phonics programme with an accompanying reading scheme of ELS books that allow parents to practise daily phonics learning with their children. This reading is also complemented with books from the Oxford Reading Treee scheme to gradually develop pupils’ comprehension of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts.

Reading is one aspect of home-learning that is encouraged throughout a child’s education at The Priory. The school has an inviting, well-stocked library that pupils can regularly borrow books from.  Home reading sessions are recorded in reading diaries.

Relationships, Health and Sex Education

Children are taught health education through the Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) framework, which we teach through the Coram Life Education syllabus. Most aspects of relationships education is also taught through this framework.

In addition to this, pupils in Years 5 and 6 are taught Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). Details of this can be found in the Priory RSHE policy in the policies section of the website.

Withdrawing a child from subjects

Most of the subjects in the curriculum are compulsory, so will be studied by all pupils.

Parents can withdraw their child(ren) from all or part of Religious Education (RE) lessons. Parents of children in Years 5 and 6 can withdraw their child from Sex Education part of the syllabus, but not from the sex education parts of the science curriculum.

Parents should contact the Headteacher via the school office to request withdrawal of their child from these subjects.