In September…


12.00 – 12.30pm: French Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: French Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school

3.20-4.30pm: GOL Football YR-6
3.15-3.45pm: Drumming Lessons
3.20-4.15pm: Lego Club YR-Y2 with Mrs Ewins
3.20-4.15pm: Maker Club Y3-Y4 with Mr Walsh
3.20-4.30pm: Cricket Club YR-6
3.20-4.15pm: Netball Club Y5+6 with Mrs Moody
– This is a free club/training session for the team and others. 
– N.B Netball tryouts will begin next week, Monday 23rd September
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12.00 – 12.30pm: Spanish Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: Spanish Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school
No Gardening club this half of term
3.20-4.20pm: Tag rugby with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


YEAR R: Individual and class photos. 

10.30am – 3pm: Piano Lessons
10.30am – 3pm: Flute lessons
2-3pm: Y5 Tag Rugby “Come and have a go” session

2.30PM:  Parent Welcome Meetings for year groups 2, 4 and 6.
No booking required, the meeting will be in the classroom.

After school
3.30pm – 4.30pm: Netball/Basketball with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12pm – 3.15pm: Piano Lessons

1.20pm: Y2 Football Festival for selected pupils
Collection 3.45pm from venue as per letter. Spectators welcome!

2.30PM:  Parent Welcome Meetings for Y1, Y3 and Y5
No booking required, the meeting will be in the classroom.

After school
NO Drama Club this half of term
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Hockey Club
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Art Club
3.15pm – 6pm : The Oaks childcare


8.30am – 11am: Rocksteady Rehearsals
2.40pm: Star of Wonder Assembly

After school
3.30pm – 4.30pm:  Quidditch Club YR-6
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare

Lunch Menu…


Tomato & basil pasta


Fish cakes and sauteed potatoes


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Flapjack, ice cream or fruit


Jacket potato with cheese and beans
Beef lasagne with garlic bread
served with green beans and sweetcorn.

Jelly, grapes, or fruit


Cheese & broccoli slice


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard, ice cream or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Fish in a creamy curry sauce


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Jam tart and custard, ice cream or fruit


Mexican bean wrap


Breaded fish


served with chips, sweetcorn, and peas.

Shortbread biscuits, or fruit

Headteacher’s Update…

Dear Priory Parents and Carers,

We are pleased that we have been able to make partnerships to offer more extra-curricular activities this year. In response to feedback we receive from pupils and parents, we aim to adapt the clubs we offer to suit the demands of the community. 

This term we have added Spanish, KS2 French, Art, and woodwork clubs, and Curveball coaching have offered quidditch. Later in the year we are also looking forward to developing our choir club (with the talents of Mr Smith!), Just Dance club (with the moves of Miss Hollingshead!) and Samba club (with the rhythm of Mr Webb!) among others. 

The details of all of the clubs we offer are in last week’s newsletter and on the clubs section of our website.

House Points…




News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

What a wonderful first full week in Year R it has been! The children have settled in as a class and have learnt many of the routines already. We are so pleased with how well they have picked up the routines and couldn’t be prouder! Even Mrs Clitheroe, in the kitchen, commented on how well they did on their first day when getting their lunches.

Thank you for your efforts with the ‘All About Me’ bags. The children had lots of fun sharing all of their special things with their friends and it was a lovely way to get to know each other.

The children have been completing Literacy baseline assessments this week. This was completed in an informal and fun way. All the children were asking when it was their turn so it was clearly something they all wanted to do!

We have started our Phonics sessions and have been focusing our learning on the sounds s,a,t,p. The children practised identifying these sounds and thinking of words starting with these sounds.

Next week:

The children will be continuing to establish the routines and will also be thinking about the rules we might have in school. We will create a class charter together and the children will all sign it to say they will follow the rules in school.

The children will also continue the theme of ‘All About Me’. They will be thinking about people who are special to them and also talking about their favourite food.

Baseline assessments will be continuing next week with a focus on Maths for the week. Again, this will be completed in a fun and informal way.

The Year Rs will be having their individual and class photo taken next Wednesday 18th in the morning. These will be available to purchase. Please ensure your child comes into school on Wednesday morning looking smart and with a lovely smile!

Have a lovely restful weekend.

The Year R team

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

Y1 – Elliot, Freddie and Hallie

Y2 – Grace, Xanthe, Brodey and Alexander

Y3 – Teddy, Evie-May and Poppy

Y4 – Heidi and Gracie

Y5 – Isla, Rupert, Martin and Jolie

Y6 – Cassidy, Poppy and Hetty.


CLUBS AVAILABLE this half of term are…

Lots of Club information can be found under “Extracurricular” on our website.  Booking links for Curveball Clubs with Coach Zack (available every day of the week), along with GOL Football on Mondays, can all be found here:


For the weekly update on Safeguarding, please click here to be redirected to the Safeguarding section on the website, where the weekly Safeguarding section can be found each week.

Posters from the community….

Relevant to Y6…

The Hurst School Open Evening and Open Mornings

 Open Evening

Our Open Evening takes place on Thursday, 3rd October 2024 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. You do not need to book a place at our Open Evening, please just come along.

 Open Mornings

Our Open Mornings for September 2025 starters will take place on Tuesday 8th, Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October 2024. This is the opportunity to visit the school on a working day. There will be three sessions each day:  09:15-10:00, 10:15-11:00 and 11:15-12:00. Parents are welcome to bring their children with them.

You will need to book a place to attend an Open Morning. Please contact the school Reception on 0118 981 7474 indicating which time slot and date you would prefer.

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