Upcoming Events

Monday 18th September

1-3pm Guitar
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 19th September

1-3pm Guitar Lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.30pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 20th September

Year 2, 3 & 5 welcome meetings 2.30pm start

11.30am – Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
12.45pm- Guitar Lessons
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Thursday 21st September

Yr. 2, 3 & 5 welcome meetings 2.30pm start

3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Friday 22nd September

8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Menu this week


Tomato and Basil Pasta

Fish Cakes & Saute Potatoes





Ice Cream




Jacket Potato Cheese & Beans

Beef Lasagne & Garlic Bread

Green Beans






Cheese and Broccoli Slice

Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion

Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips

Apple Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream

or Fruit


Quorn Sausages

Sherfield Sausages

Roasted Pumpkin & Spinach Lasagne


Bakes Beans

Roll or Mash

Berry Fruits Sponge


Ice Cream




Mexican Bean Wrap

Fish Fingers




Shortbread Biscuits




Dear Parents and Carers

It has been another lovely week at The Priory. We just had our first weekly awards assembly of the year and our new Reception pupils have just finished their first full week and left school today with smiles on their faces. We’ve been lucky with the weather and now that the lawnmower has been fixed, Mr Henry has mown the field which looks such a lovely big space to play in. 

Parking and road safety

This is a gentle reminder that the car park between the road and the playground is a staff car park so please can parents avoid parking there (we’ll get a better sign to show this). 

Please could parents avoid turning cars on the T junction outside school. This makes the area more dangerous and is also disruptive for other drivers.

Thank you

Parent Welcome Meetings

These meetings are presentations by your child’s class teacher(s) about the organisation, curriculum, rewards and systems in the class this year. 

The meetings for Year 2, 3 and 5 will be at 2.30pm on Wednesday 20th September. 

The meetings for Years 1, 4 and 6 will be at 2.30pm on Thursday 21st September. 

There will not be meetings for Reception class as all parents met with the class teachers at the start of term. 

Parents do not need to sign up for these meetings, you can just turn up. Upon arrival, parents should wait in the playground to be directed to the classroom once the pupils have left the classroom to go to assembly. 


Staff-led clubs will be starting next week. Parents of the children selected for these clubs will be informed today or Monday at the latest. Lego club for Y3-6 with Mr Cripps will be starting on Thursday, as will Choir Club with Mrs Hughes for Y1-6. 

Mr Walsh will be running a lunchtime percussion club for Y5-6 students and these children have volunteered to be part of this club.

We have incorporated as many suggestions and clubs as possible from our recent parental survey. 

On this note, could the parent who said on the survey that they can help run cross-country club make themselves known to us? We’d appreciate your help!

Music lessons

We have an increasing number of students who are learning musical instruments. There are still some spaces so please contact the school office if you would like your child to start learning one of the following instruments:





House Points…





Safeguarding and Wellbeing 

This week our Safeguarding section explores OME.TV, a social networking app that connects people from all over the world on randomly generated video chats.

The leaflet below from The National College provides further information about the app’s functions, its inherent risks, and how to address them as a parent or carer. The safeguarding section of the school website also contains this information along with a leaflet about other social media apps and their features and risks.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

Year 1

Olson, Grace, George & Neave

Year 2

Freddie, Ella, Rosie & Thomas

Year 3

Cohen, Leonie & Grace

Year 4

Alyx, Reuben & Oscar

Year 5

Harry & Elsie

Year 6

Ezra & Anaabelle

Congratulations to all! 

Special Mentions

Eliza in year 4 had a fantastic Gymnastics competitions last weekend. She earned a 4th place ribbon for beam and 7th all around for zinc 9yrs with clubs from across the whole of the south of England. WELL DONE ELIZA!

Look who completed a challenge over the summer holidays with his dad, finishing a virtual walking challenge around the Pyramids of Giza to raise money for the Dogs Trust. He had to walk 75km in total over the summer and raised a brilliant £130 for charity. Well done!

Arthur (Y3) has spent this summer racing his BMX at National Level, being the youngest rider to represent his club, Andover BMX. This series has seen him travel all over the UK.

He finished 13th overall, but his biggest achievement was coming 7th in the final round. This meant he got to share the stage and collect his trophy as a National Finalist.

He has also been racing at Regional Level (South) all year, making a final at every round, and finishing 5th overall in the series.

Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

Thank you to everyone for bringing in their ‘All About Me’ bags this week. It was lovely to see their bags filled with lots of special items belonging to them. We enjoyed finding out about the children and their interests.

You should have received some sound cards in your child’s book bag this week. Please practise these with your child at home. We will also be practising these with the children in school. Please do keep the zipped wallet of sound cards in your child’s book bag as we will also be using these in school too.

The children have brought home their first reading book today. You will have it for the week and books will be changed every Friday. It will benefit your child to re-read the book so that they become more confident and familiar with it. We will also put some books on to the oxford owl ebook library. The login details for these are inside your reading diary. When your child reads please make a comment in the reading diary so that we can see how your child is doing with their reading at home.

This week the children have been completing some baseline assessments. This has been completed in a relaxed and practical way. We will be continuing with these next week.

Next week:

We are going to be discussing our families and who we live with. As part of our discussions it would be really helpful if your child could bring in a photo of their family they live with. If you don’t have a printed photo then you could post a photo onto Tapestry. We will be discussing our families on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please could we ask that all items that the children bring in are named (clothes, water bottles, snack pots, hats). It is very difficult for the item to get back to the right person if it is unnamed.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R Team

Extra Activities

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