In September…


at home @ 3.30pm

12.00 – 12.30pm: French Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: French Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school

3.20-4.30pm: GOL Football YR-6
3.15-4.15pm:  KS1 Christmas songs and percussion – starting 11th Nov – limited space – available to book on Arbor.
3.15-3.45pm: Drumming Lessons
3.20-4.30pm: Cricket Club YR-6
3.20-4.15pm: Netball Club 
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


12.00 – 12.30pm: Spanish Club KS2
12.30 – 1pm: Spanish Club KS1
1pm – 3pm: Guitar Lessons

After school
3.15-4.15pm – Gardening club – email for more details. 
3.20-4.20pm: Tag rugby with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare


10.30am – 3pm: Piano Lessons
10.30am – 3pm: Flute lessons

After school
3.30pm – 4.30pm: Netball/Basketball with Coach Zack
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare



12pm – 3.15pm: Piano Lessons

After school
3.20pm – 4.15pm:  KS2 Christmas Crafts/Drawing with Mrs Heathcote, starting 14th Nov – limited spaces – available to book on Arbor. 
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Hockey Club
3.20pm – 4.30pm: Art Club
3.15pm – 6pm : The Oaks childcare


Y4 Trip to QMC 
letter/Arbor set up: Monday 4th November

8.30am – 11am: Rocksteady Rehearsals
2.40pm: Star of Wonder Assembly

After school
3.20pm – 4.15pm:  Y1+ Y2 Christmas Crafts with Mrs Britt – limited spaces – book on Arbor
3.30pm – 4.30pm:  Quidditch Club YR-6
3.15pm – 6pm: The Oaks childcare

Lunch Menu…


Tomato & basil pasta


Fish cakes and sauteed potatoes


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Flapjack, ice cream or fruit


Jacket potato with cheese and beans
Beef lasagne with garlic bread
served with green beans and sweetcorn.

Jelly, grapes, or fruit


Cheese & broccoli slice


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard, ice cream or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Creamy greens filo pie


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Syrup sponge and custard, ice cream or fruit


Mexican bean wrap


Breaded fish


served with chips, sweetcorn, and peas.

Shortbread biscuits, or fruit

Headteacher’s Update…

Dear Parents and Carers,

And just like that, we are at the end of the first half term! The pupils have been back at school for seven and a half weeks. Next half term is another 7 weeks, so it is important that the children (especially the younger ones) get a good rest ready for next half term. 

Every day is a learning day and a lot of learning has been happening since the start of September.  The curriculum map on the school website shows what each class will be learning in each subject next half term. Parents should have a good idea about how well their child is doing at school from the settling-in meetings this half term. However, it is always possible to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher by emailing

Have a lovely half term everyone!

Wish Tree wishes, and thanks… 

Thank you to The Hughes family for donating one shelving unit, and The Halls, for the second unit arriving after half term.

Year R – “Plastic crates for outdoor construction area” still a wish.

Year 3 – “Large amount of felt tip pens” still needed.

If you would like to donate any of the items above, please pop into reception and take the wish off the tree before purchasing.  HUGE THANKS. 

Whole School Keyboard:  Thank you to those that have completed the form for donations, we’re hopeful we will be able to purchase one next half of term with your help.

Music & Drama Award

Well done to our Piano teacher Mrs Williams who has been nominated for the music and drama education awards and has made the final stages.

Behaviour focus 

Our whole school behaviour focus the week after half term will be to ‘Keep cloakrooms safe and tidy’. Children will be encouraged and reminded to put their bags and coats on their hooks. 

“500 Words”, the UK’s largest children’s writing competition for children aged 5-11, is open for entries – deadline Friday 8th November.  Please click here for more information from Mrs Sowden.

Autumn Disco

Well done and thanks to the PTA for arranging a brilliant Autumn Disco for the Priory children. Much fun had by all!!

House Points…




News from the Sports Desk


The Priory Primary School Netball team for 2024-2025 season has been selected! Team Priory Netball, your enthusiasm, team work and talent shine brightly and we are proud to have you all representing our school! We have been busy training this half term in preparation for our first match on the 4th of November and I am sure the whole Priory community will join me in wishing the team luck for the coming season. We will keep you posted on their progress.


We are delighted to share our first team photo of this year’s Tag Rugby team ahead of their inaugural match shortly after half term. Team – you look great and will represent your school with pride and sportsmanship! Exciting times ahead for this group and we’ll keep you posted on their progress.

Clubs next half of term…

…more details can be found on our website, under “Extracurricular”.  

French Club will be continuing as normal.  Please email to book.

Spanish Club will be continuing as normal.  Please download this Spanish form and email to book.

 A note from the Spanish Tutor,We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot on this first half term of Spanish club at the priory. Remember you can join or leave the club at any time, so I would like for students to come and try it out. If your child would like to try it out, please notify me first as I need to let the school know and I need to print the right material for each student.  I wish you a great half term and I’ll look forward to teaching your children next half term. Hasta la vista, Susanna Ausio Pares”.

After School Clubs.. 
Please head to After School clubs on our website for more information

GOL Elite Football for all years.
Cricket with Curveball Coaching.
YR-2 Christmas Songs and Percussion with Mrs Ewins – book on Arbor, and starting 2nd week back. 
Netball with Mrs Moody.

Gardening Club with Mrs West, please email
Tag-Rugby with Curveball Coaching.

Netball/Basketball with Curveball Coaching.

Hockey with Curveball Coaching all years
Art Club with Louise Y2-Y6
Y3-Y6 Christmas Crafts/Drawing with Mrs Heathcote – book on Arbor and starting 2nd week back. 

Y1+Y2 Christmas Crafts with Mrs Britt – book on Arbor and starting 1st week back.
Quidditch with Curveball Coaching.

N.B There will also be a CHOIR CLUB run by Mr Smith for KS2 (years 3 – 6).  This will also start 2nd week back, and will be available to book when we’re back after the week’s holiday. 

News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

It has been an exciting week exploring pumpkins in Year R. The children have enjoyed doing some observational drawings and paintings of a pumpkin. The children also had the opportunity to explore the inside of a pumpkin and wrote down words to describe it.

The children have also been discussing the festival of Diwali. They have looked at how the festival is celebrated and the traditions that are followed during the festival. The children also made some Diwali lanterns and they learnt a song linked to the festival of light. The children enjoyed playing some percussion instruments along with the rhythm of the song too.

In Maths the children have been learning the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to compare groups of objects. They all enjoyed practising the correct language to describe the quantities of different groups of objects e.g. the monkey has more/fewer pencils than the panda.

It has been a lovely half term getting to know all of the children (and parents) and we are extremely proud of the children for how well they have settled into The Priory life. They have settled into the daily routines extremely well and we are so impressed with their achievements this term.

After half term:

The children will be discussing what they have been doing during the half term. If you do anything special it would be lovely if you shared some photos on Tapestry, which we will be able to share with the class once we are back in school.

The children will also be discussing Remembrance Day and thinking about why people might wear poppies at this time of year.

It will also be Firework night during the week after half term. The children will be thinking about Fireworks and discussing how to keep safe around them. They will also be making some firework craft.

We hope you have a lovely half term break and enjoy the rest with your family.

The Year R Team. 

Half Term Camp

Running on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st October at The Priory.  Check out all the fun from their Summer camp this year on Instagram at @holiday_camp_with_mrseandmisso

Download the booking form by clicking here


For the weekly update on Safeguarding, please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Safeguarding section on the website, where the weekly Safeguarding section can be found each week.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

No Star of Wonder Friday 25th October. 

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