Upcoming Events
Monday 1st May
Bank Holiday Monday- School closed
Tuesday 2nd May
1-3pm Guitar lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club
3.15-4.30pm Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Board Games and Puzzles club (Yrs R, 1 and 2)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Wednesday 3rd May
1 2-3pm Piano lessons
3 .15—3.45pm Drumming lessons
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Thursday 4th May
12-3pm—Piano lessons
1-2.30pm- Guitar Lessons
3.30-4.30pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Y4-6 Tag Rugby Club
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Friday 5th May
Coronation Lunch
9-11am Rocksteady
2.10 pm Awards assembly
2.30pm Parents invited to see ‘Crown’ Coronation Exhibition in the hall
3.15-4.30pm Multi Sports club
3.15-4.15pm- Singing Club (Yrs 3,4,5 and 6)
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Menu this week
Bank Holiday
Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges
Chicken Curry & Rice
Green Beans
Ice Cream
Vegetable Diamonds
Roast Turkey with
Sage & Onion
Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips
Apple Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream
Jacket Potato Cheese and Beans
Chicken Wrap
Veggie Wrap
Ice Cream or Mandarins
Coronation Picnic Lunch (Pre-ordered)
Headteacher Update
Bank holidays
Please note that the school will be closed on the Bank Holidays on the 1st and the 8th May
Coronation – We will celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III on Friday 5th May. During the day the children will do crown activities and there will be a special tea party lunch for the children to enjoy together. At 2.30pm on Friday 5th May, parents are invited in to enjoy an exhibition of the artwork produced during the day.
The Star of Wonder assembly will happen at the earlier time of 2.10pm next week to allow for the exhibition of the crown artwork.
A big well done to Daisy in Year 3 for writing this amazing poem, based on ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’, in her own time.
The Frog & The Panda
The Frog and the Panda went to Spain
On a crystal blue bike
They took a rag in a dirty old bag
Along with a bunny called Mike
The panda looked down to the ground below
And hummed to a yellow harmonica
“Oh my frog, my frog”
“Why is your last name Veronica?”
“Why is your last name Veronica?”
Frog said to Pandy “You’re sweet like candy!”
How beautiful you wicker
All along I have said oh let us be wed
But what shall we do for a vicar?
They travelled afar without a car
To the mountains where purple trees grow
And up in the cloud a vicar stood proud
With his feet deep in the snow
The snow
The snow
With his feet deep in the snow
“Hey Vicar are you able to wed this couple?”
Frog said “Ok, ok”
So marry they did by the vicar named Sid
Everyone was happy that day
They feasted on cake that took an hour to bake
Which they ate with their fingers and thumbs
And side by side they really did glide
They grooved with all their chums
Their chums
Their chums
They grooved with all their chums
By Daisy Gilchrist
Well done Mrs Philpott for completing the London Marathon last weekend in a brilliant time!
The Adventure Trail
Kestrel house scored the most points last week so they were the first house to enjoy the house treat of an extra play on the adventure trail together.

House Points…



Year 6 Leavers fund Raising Event

Local Junior Squash Training

Safeguarding and Wellbeing
PTA News
Reception Year News
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
This week the children have been learning about the story ‘Billy’s Bucket’. They have got to know the story very well and have been creating their own story maps to help them remember the order of the story.
As part of our Billy’s Bucket work the children have been completing some writing about what they can see inside the bucket. In the story Billy could see lots of different sea creatures inside his bucket. The children all had their own ideas of what they might see inside their bucket and wrote these down on to some water drops. These were then put together to create a wonderful display in the classroom (see photo).

In Maths the children have been learning all about subtraction. They have been creating their own first, then, now stories e.g. first there were 10 green bottles, then 4 were taken away and now I have 6 green bottles. The children worked out some simple subtraction sums and used objects to help them work out the answers.
Next week:
We will be learning about the story ‘The Dot’ linked to our current PSHE them of ‘Being our Best’. ‘The Dot’ is about a child who is convinced she can’t draw. Her teacher encourages her to begin with a single dot and the child’s creativity takes off. The children will discuss the importance if ‘not giving up’ and will also have the opportunity to create their very own ‘dot’ picture.
In Maths the children will be learning about making new shapes and exploring what shapes we can make using different shapes e.g. 2 right angled triangles put together to make a square shape.
Towards the end of the week the children will be learning about and completing activities linked to the King’s coronation. The week will end with the children enjoying a picnic with the whole school and the parents will be invited into school to see their art work at 2.30pm on Friday.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year R team

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