Upcoming Events
Monday 26th June
Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential
1.30-3pm- Piano
3.15pm-4.15pm Netball Club- CANCELLED
3.15pm- 4.15pm Percussion club
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club- CANCELLED
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Tuesday 27th June
Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential
1-3pm Guitar lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club
3.15-4.30pm Gardening Club- CANCELLED
3.15pm-4.15pm- Board Games and Puzzles club (Yrs R, 1 and 2)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Wednesday 28th June
Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential
11.30am – Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
12.45pm- Guitar
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Thursday 29th June
Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential
3.30-4.30pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Y4-6 Tag Rugby Club
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Friday 30th June
Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential
Year 2 Basing House Trip
8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-4.30pm- Multi Sports club
3.15-4.15pm- Singing Club (Yrs 3,4,5 and 6)
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Menu this week
Roasted Peppers & Tomato Pasta
Meatballs in Tomato Sauce & Pasta
Fish Fingers & Diced Potatoes
Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges
Sweet & Sour Chicken Casserole & Rice
Green Beans
Cheese & Broccoli Slice
Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion
Roast Potatoes
Blackcurrant Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream
Quorn Sausages
Sherfield Sausages
Cod in Creamy Curry Sauce
Mashed Potato or Roll
Baked Beans
Squidgy Chocolate & Pear Pudding
Ice Cream
Veggie Beancake
Breaded Fish
Chicken Pie
Shortbread Biscuits
International Week
This week we have made a big jump in our journey to become Global Citizens by running an international week. Across the week the pupils in each of the classes have done a deep dive study into one country. They have studied a range of aspects of that one country including cultures, customs, language, physical and human geography, flag, religion, currency and history to name a few. The aim of this has been for the pupils to see that each country has its own identity, and to respect the differences and similarities between other countries and our own.
The week culminated in an Around The World trip, where each child had the opportunity to visit different countries (classrooms), and explore the wonders on show. To get their passport stamped they had to answer (differentiated) questions. It has been a great week!

Year R- Italy Europe
Year 1 – Australia, Oceania
Year 2 – Japan, Asia
Year 3 – France, Europe
Year 4 – Argentina, South America
Year 5 – Ghana, Africa
Year 6 – Canada, North America
Teaching arrangements for next academic year
I am pleased to announce that we have successfully appointed a teacher to join our team next academic year. Amy Hollingshead will start at The Priory in September and will replace Mrs Dinah who has now left The Priory.
The teaching arrangements for next year will be as follows:
Year R – Mrs Austin and Mrs Ewins
Year 1 – Mrs Hollingshead
Year 2 – Mrs Britt and Mrs Hughes
Year 3 – Mrs Marzetti and Mrs Sowden
Year 4 – Mr Cripps
Year 5 – Mrs Coe
Year 6 – Mrs Heathcote
Arrangements for the Learning Support Assistants will follow.
Mrs Hollingshead
Hi all! My name is Miss Hollingshead and I am thrilled to be joining The Priory Primary School this September as a Year 1 Class Teacher.
I have just finished my BA (Hons) Primary Education degree at the University of Brighton, specialising in mathematics and I will be graduating in July. This will be my first ECT teaching year and my first ever class so I am very excited to get started! As part of my degree, I have gained lots of experience in schools, specifically in Key Stage 1 where I completed my final placement in a Year 2 class for 4 months.
I love travelling and exploring places around the world. I am just about to go on a month’s trip to Thailand this summer which I am very excited for! Other passions of mine are music, painting and performing arts. I have been in a number of theatre shows, some being ‘Bugsy Malone’ and ‘Into the Woods.’
I cannot wait to join the excellent staff team at The Priory and begin my teaching journey at such a wonderful school.
Year 5 Mathematics Master Class
This week saw eight of our year 5 mathematicians face a range of maths challenges in a competition hosted and run by The Hurst school. After arriving via minibus, the teams were welcomed into the school hall where other local schools had gathered to take part. The children tackled a set of 10 questions with a 40 minute time limit – many of the questions were really difficult and would have challenged even the most experienced of maths brains – Mr Webb and I both had to work hard to figure some of the questions out ourselves! We were allowed to guide and steer the teams, but not give them the answers. On hand was a group of helpful Hurst Year 10 maths students. This round was followed by a logic round and the morning was rounded off with a quick fire team game.
The children worked incredibly hard and well as a team – we were very proud of them all!

Year 2 Trip to QMC
Year 2 had a fantastic time this week at the QMC Science Centre. The children were learning about the habitats of mini beasts. They spent the day pond dipping for newts, searching under tree stumps, looking through compost, exploring the science garden and creating a wormery. A lot was learnt about the variety of mini-beast and a brilliant day was had by all!

Lost Property
We have a large amount of lost property that has built up over the course of the school year. Please can you check the box for any items that may be yours. The deadline for collecting your lost property will be next Friday (30th June) and after this we will be giving the left items to the PTA for them to make use of.
Water Bottles
Please make sure your child brings a water bottle with them to school. It is very hot at the moment and students are regularly filling their bottles. Please can you remind your child that if they do have to borrow a cup because they have forgotten their water bottle, to keep that plastic with them all day so they can continue to re-use it.
House Points…



Understanding and Responding to Online Challenges ⚠️
Once again the risks of online activity have been highlighted in relation to dangerous challenges circulating on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and whilst our primary aged children should not be engaging with Tik Tok, as educators and parents we need to be aware of these trends as they can often filter down to our youngest children. Therefore, it is vital that we know how to respond accordingly when these challenges appear and circulate, if only for a short period of time.
When a viral challenge is reported in the news or on social media, it can be difficult to establish the facts, risks, and what you need to do to protect the young people in your care.
If you’re a parent or carer who’s seen reports of an online challenge, the first thing to do is pause. The producers of Safeguarding INEQE have some useful approaches to help you respond. The good news is that most online challenges will fade and lose popularity.

Sometimes we can indirectly drive attention to challenges by talking about them, so it’s best to get around this by not naming the challenge directly or showing the content when talking to children and young people. Instead, follow our advice;
Pause (be calm and stay calm), Think (prepare by fact checking) and Plan (choose the right time and place to talk) – find out more in the video – link below.
Online culture and viral challenges can be confusing. To learn about the types of challenges and how they become viral, watch the Online Challenges Video.
Peer pressure can impact young people’s behaviour online, where they might feel intense pressure to participate in challenges. Make sure you talk about examples of what positive social media use looks like and how they can recognise peer pressure.
Use our Trusted Adult Resources to teach young people about the importance of seeking help if something worries or upsets them.
Talk to the children and young people in your care about how they can block and report content or behaviour that upsets or worries use our Online Safety Centre to figure out safety settings together.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions
This Weeks Stars of Wonder
Year R
Xanthe, Olson & Sabela
Year 1
Joseph, Charlotte C, Theo & Toby
Year 2
George, Arthur, Lawson & Harvey
Year 3
Alexander, Oscar & Primrose
Year 4
Henry B, Joshua C, Joshua J & Hetty
Year 5
Annabella, Belle & Charlie
Year 6
Dharmadev, Charlotte & Samuel
Congratulations to all!
Reception Year News
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
This week has been an exciting week learning lots of fun facts about Italy. The children have learnt about Venice and were very interested to find out that there are no cars in Venice. They have also enjoyed learning about the leaning tower of Pisa and enjoyed making their very own leaning towers.
The children were very excited when Jason (Jago’s Dad) came in to class. He told them about where he was from in Italy and taught them some Italian. They were all very excited to be told their name in Italian. Thank you to Jago’s Dad for coming in to the class. It was a great opportunity which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
During International week we have been answering the register in Italian and saying ‘Ciao’ and ‘Buongiorno’ each morning and afternoon. We have also been tasting Italian food. We tasted mozzarella, pesto with breadsticks, gnocchi, pizza and fresh basil and oregano. Pizza was our favourite followed by gnocchi. We loved the pizza so much that we designed our own pizza craft and picked our favourite toppings we would want on a pizza.
Next week:
In PSHE, the children will be learning about the Human life cycle. We will be discussing babies and how we grow into adulthood. Please could you bring in a photo of your child as a baby or post a photo of them on tapestry so that we can look at these during the sessions. Please could you send in these by Tuesday (27th).
The children will also be listening to the story ‘The Gigantic Turnip’ and creating their own story map of the story.
In Maths the children will be learning about patterns and also be making maps of their journey to school. They will be thinking about what they pass first, next and last.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year R team

Extra Activities
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