Reception Class

The Reception class is sometimes known as “The Foundation Stage” and is taught by Mrs Ewins and Mrs Austin who are supported by Mrs Waspe.

The children start to learn to read in Year R and this is done through the Essential Letters & Sounds (ELS) programme

The children have “free flow” access to an outdoor play area which has a large covered outdoor wooden classroom with seating and two driving wheels, a sandpit, a playhouse, and a writing shed. During the last academic year an extension to the outside play area which includes a mud kitchen, chalkboard, and a storytelling area was created. Children are able to play with a variety of equipment including hoops, stilts, and tricycles. A very popular “honorary” member of the class is Rex the dog who goes home with a different child each weekend. When he returns to school, everyone enjoys listening to his exciting adventures!

The children in the Reception class very quickly settle into the routines of the school.

Although they have their own play area, they join the rest of the school for playtime and lunchtime. They take a full part in whole school activities such as Assembly, theatre workshops, concerts etc.

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