Upcoming Events

Monday 4th December

8.50am- House Point Assembly
12.30pm-1pm Linguatastic French Club
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Christmas craft club (Foundation and KS1 only)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 5th December

1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
2.15pm-3pm Drumming Lessons
3.15- 3.45pm Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.20pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 6th December

Yr6 Trip Portsmoth Dockyard

Netball fixture @ home 3.30pm start

11am – Piano lessons
12-12.30pm Percussion Club Y6
1pm- Flute lessons
2-2.45pm Tag Rigby Training with Zack
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
2.40pm- Singing Assembly
3.20pm-4.20pm- KS1 multi-skills with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Thursday 7th December


11am-3.15pm- Piano Lessons
3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3.20-4.15pm-Lego Club
3.20-4.15pm- Choir Club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Friday 8th December

Year 1 QMC Trip

2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.20-4.20pm KS2 Dodgeball with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Menu for the week commencing 4th December 2023


Cheesy Pasta & Roll

Fish Fingers & Diced Potatoes



Syrup Sponge and custard, Ice Cream or Fruit


Priory Pizza & Potato Wedges

Chicken Curry & Rice

Green Beans


Jelly or Grapes or Fruit


Vegetable Hot Pot & Yorkshire Pudding

Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion

Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips

Apple Crumble & Custard or Ice Cream or Fruit


Jacket Potato Cheese & Beans

Chicken Goujons & Vegetable Rice with BBQ sauce

Green Beans


Pear Sponge, Ice Cream & Fruit


Italian Veggie Cottage Pie

Breaded Fish & Chips



Cookies or Fruit


Dear Parents and Carers

New Office Manager

We welcome a new office manager to the Priory team! Georgia Nicoli successfully applied for this exciting but demanding role and has already been into the office to learn the ropes ahead of starting full-time today (Friday 1st December). Georgia has a child at The Priory so she is already familiar with many of the school systems and policies, as well as being familiar with many parents. Please say hello!

We wish our current Office Manager Mrs Natalie Kingston good luck as she goes back into a teaching role for a new challenge. 

Parking and traffic outside of school

There has been a lot of concern from parents and staff about the parking and driving on the road outside of school. The safety of everyone in our school community, especially the children, is our priority. We are aware that parking is limited but please be patient and consider safety first when parking. Parking on the driveway outside the school gate is forbidden and there are cones there to keep this area clear to make it safer for people to cross the road outside of school. 

From January we will stop the end-of-day back playground car pick-up. This is primarily to save the amount of time teachers are spending on this, allowing them to focus on teaching and learning. We will therefore be able to open up part of the back playground for car parking from 3pm daily for 18 cars. Further details will follow. 

Knife and Fork Skills

Education is most successful when school and home work well together. We see this in many areas of school life. 

At present we have noticed a number of children being unable to properly use a knife and fork, so if this is the case with your child, please could you help them to practise this at home.

Other than social etiquette, using a knife and fork properly can:

  • improve digestion  – smaller bite-sized chunks are easier to chew and digest
  • improve nutrition – if a child can effectively cut their food, they are more likely to eat more of what is on their plate
  • And, believe it or not, can also improve playtime – if a child can cut their food independently, they will not need to wait for an adult to help them, so they’ll be able to go out to play with their friends sooner

Here’s a useful video to introduce this to your child if necessary.

Year 6 Pamber church Visit

On Wednesday our year 6 students visited Pamber Church. Students visited as part of their RE topic about religious leaders and Reverend Stuart Deering came back to school to answer questions about his role as a Christian leader.  The children had lots of questions and Stuart answered them all. It was a super day for the children and they learnt a lot. Thank you to Stuart for his time.

African Drumming Workshops 

On Wednesday students took part in African Drumming Workshops. The children had lots of fun playing along to beat and learning how to user the instruments correctly.

Christmas Card Post Box 

Please be aware that the Christmas Card Post Box will be out for students from next week. Students can write cards to their friends/teachers in different year groups and these will be distributed around school. Please ensure your child puts the recipients full name and class if possible so it is easy for us to identify who the cards are for!

House Points…





ESPORTS – What is it all about? 

The world of esports is an exciting one for any child interested in gaming competitively. But it can be a complicated scene to navigate and does have some risks. The term ‘esports’ refers to video games played competitively by two or more players; they are organised competitions based around multiplayer games of strategy, combat or sport, with rules, referees and spectators. The games are all run through an esports organisation. The popularity of ESPORTS is growing and for children it is a fun way to game and engage with friends, some may even consider a career in ESPORTS given the money generating opportunity connected with these sports. However, as with all things online there are risks and issues to be aware of as parents.

The links below have a wide range of advice and guidance to support you if your child is engaged in ESPORT activities.




Firstly, thank you to all families that responded to the safeguarding survey, we had over 80 parental responses which represents a good percentage of our parent community. Overall the responses have been very positive around our safeguarding of the children, the ways in which we are teaching them to safeguard themselves and how much parents know and understand about safeguarding at our school. We will aim to present the full results from pupil, staff and parent surveys in the Spring Term. 

NEWS from the Sports Desk

At the Priory we are committed to spending our Government-funded sports premium in a way that benefits as many of our children in as many different ways as possible. Our aim is to provide a legacy that goes beyond sporting competition and promoting healthy activity, and helps to build rounded, confident and successful children. Therefore we are super excited to announce the launch of our brand-new 12-week trial of the Maths on the Move (MOTM) programme, which uses sports and physical activity to enhance confidence, learning and attainment in maths. Starting in January, it will be delivered in partnership with an ActiveMe360 specially trained coach in collaboration with class teachers. The initial trial will run with 30 children across Years 2-4, children have already been nominated by their teachers and parents notified. Don’t worry if your child wasn’t chosen for the trial, if it’s as successful as we hope we will be looking to roll the programme out more widely in the future.

At the Sports Desk we are Christmas obsessed already but we’re still all about getting active in between singing carols and munching mince pies! Today we launched a fabulous, physical and fun Active Advent calendar. The whole school will be dancing, singing, mathsing (that’s maths and singing mashed up!) and even developing a positive growth mindset whilst keeping our bodies moving this Christmas season with 5-minute festive fun sessions. Year 3 certainly enjoyed their first session this morning! We’d love to see how the children stay active over the advent weekends and into the school holidays, so post all your physical fun on SeeSaw/Tapestry for your teachers to see.

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

There were no Stars of Wonder this week due to the Christmas Party


Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

This week has been busy practising for our nativity next week. Please could you help your child practise their lines if they have brought some home ready for the nativity.

It has been a very exciting week with an African drumming workshop on Wednesday followed by our Christmas party to end the week. The class have been making paper chains which have been used to decorate the whole school ready for the Christmas party.

As it is our Christmas party we will be changing reading books on Monday instead of today.

In Maths we have been using balancing scales to look at the weight of different objects and discussing what happens to the scales when an object is heavier, lighter or balanced.

The children have also been drawing Christmas pictures which have been put together for our advent display. Each day we will open a door and reveal one of the children’s pictures. They might even get to take home a surprise!

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

This week has been busy practising for our nativity next week. Please could you help your child practise their lines if they have brought some home ready for the nativity.

It has been a very exciting week with an African drumming workshop on Wednesday followed by our Christmas party to end the week. The class have been making paper chains which have been used to decorate the whole school ready for the Christmas party.

As it is our Christmas party we will be changing reading books on Monday instead of today.

In Maths we have been using balancing scales to look at the weight of different objects and discussing what happens to the scales when an object is heavier, lighter or balanced.

The children have also been drawing Christmas pictures which have been put together for our advent display. Each day we will open a door and reveal one of the children’s pictures. They might even get to take home a surprise!

Next week:

The children will begin some festive craft activities next week. They will be making Christmas cards, snowflakes and Christmas tree cones. We will also introduce a Santa’s workshop role play area into the classroom.

The children will be performing their nativity on Thursday afternoon at 2pm. Parents and grandparents are all invited. Siblings are also welcome but we would ask that they are kept quiet in the audience to minimise distractions for the children on stage.

Please could you ensure that your child brings in any costumes that we have asked for by Monday as we will be using them on Tuesday for a dress rehearsal to the rest of the school. Thank you in advance.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team

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