Next Week…


SCHOOL PHOTOS in the morning, for Y2 + Y3

12:30 – 13:00 : French Club
13:00 – 15:00: Guitar Lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Chess Club
15:20 – 16:15 : Gardening Club
15:20 – 16:30 : GOL Football
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


SCHOOL PHOTOS in the morning, for YR + Y1

13:00 – 15:00 :  Guitar Lessons
15:15 – 15:45 : Drumming Lessons
15:20 – 16:15 : Fun Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Tag Rugby Club
15:20 – 16:20 : Gardening Club
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

AIM High Maths for selected pupils from Y3+Y4
(N.B. a signed copy of Andrew Jeffrey’s “My Mathematical Magic Tricks” book, will be available to buy at this event, for £5 cash)


SCHOOL PHOTOS in the morning for Y4 + Y6

12:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
10:00 – 14:00 : Flute Lessons
12:00 – 12:30 :  Percussion Club Y6
14:15 – 15:00: Tag Rugby Training with Zack
15:30 – 16:30 : Drumming lessons
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare


SCHOOL PHOTOS in the morning for Y5 + siblings

08.30 – 11.30 : Maths on the Move
09:00 – 15:15 : Piano Lessons
15:20 – 16:20 : Drama Club
15:20 – 16:30 : Hockey Club

15:20 – 16:15 : Y6 SATs Club 
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

15:45PM Tag Rugby Match – Final league match @ home


08.30 – 11.30 : Rocksteady Rehearsals
14:40 – 15:00 – Star of Wonder Assembly
15:15 – 18:00 : The Oaks childcare

15:20 – 16:30 – KS1 “Stay and Play” on the Adventure Trail, for YR, Y1 + Y2.  Refreshments available to buy. 

Dates for your Diary…



Organised by the PTA.  Recycle outgrown clothes, and raise funds for the school at the same time.

Bring the to drop-off, and they’ll be collected outside the school gates.  Thank you.


All starting from  Tuesday 23rd April. 

Tag Rugby Tuesdays

YR to Y3

Y4 to Y6

Basketball Wednesdays

Netball Wednesdays

Hockey Thursdays

YR to Y3

Y4 to Y6

DodgeBall Fridays

Lunch Menu…


Vegetable pasta


Beef Bolognaise pasta


Jacket potato with tuna sweetcorn mayo


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Iced sponge or fruit


Priory pizza and potatoe wedges


Honey & Soy chicken and rice


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Jelly and fruit


Cheese & chive swirls


Roast chicken and sage & onion stuffing


served with roast potatoes, carrots, and roast parsnips.

Apple crumble & custard or fruit


Quorn sausages


Sherfield sausages


Veggie bean cake


served with broccoli, baked beans, and a roll or mash.

Lemon spice slices or fruit


Vegetable chilli and rice


Breaded fish and chips,


served with sweetcorn and peas.

Chocolate cake with chocolate sauce, or fruit

Headteacher Update…

Dear Parents and Carers

Stay & Play

Over the next few weeks, we will be trialling some stay and play sessions. In these sessions classes of children and their siblings will be allowed to play on the adventure trail equipment after school and there will be tasty treats on sale and also hot drinks for the grown ups. 

The main aim of this activity is community-based: to give parents and children a place to chat and play. 

It is also a fundraising opportunity for the school.

The adventure trail will not be staffed by school staff so parents will take full responsibility for the safety of their children as they would at a public park. However, there is some equipment that is recommended for older children only, so sign

s will be displayed to show which equipment is suitable for ‘Juniors only’.

For safety reasons, we will restrict the trial stay and plays by year groups. 

The first stay and play will start at 3.20pm next Friday (26th April) and will be for Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 and any siblings. There is no sign-up sheet, families can just stay and play. 

Refreshments will be on sale and proceeds from this will go directly to the school. 

If any parents are able to volunteer to help sell refreshments it would be appreciated. Please contact the school office if you are interested. 

Summer Clubs

Please note that there will be two new summer camps running at The Priory this summer and The Oaks will continue to run their summer club at Mortimer St Mary’s.

Times Tables Rockstars

You may have heard that we have subscribed to the popular maths app, Times Tables Rockstars. Mr Cripps, the Priory Maths Lead, led an assembly informing the pupils about the programme and motivating them to achieve well.  At present, we are getting the pupils logged in and familiar, then we will inform parents about how this programme can be used to increase maths attainment.  It’s a brilliant piece of software and the pupils are very excited to start using it in earnest.


Well done to Falcon House, who were the Term 2 winners with the highest running total of 8444 house points!

House Points…




Sports News…

Finally it has stopped raining just in time for a summer of outdoor sports at The Priory!  The track lines will soon make an appearance on the field, as most classes begin athletics in one of their PE slots.  What better time to start talking about our brand new Festival of Sports which will take place throughout the month of June. There will be plenty of fun and inspirational activities for all the children to enjoy. We aim to entice even the most reluctant sportsperson to have a go by focusing on a range of activities not usually undertaken in school.  This will include Archery, Fencing and Quidditch (paid for by the sports premium funding), as well as interesting assemblies and talks from people in our community (and former Priory students!) working or participating in sports at a competitive or professional level.

Can You help?

We would love to widen our range of sports taster lessons during June if we can. Perhaps you know an individual or maybe an organisation that already runs a sports club who might be willing to offer lessons in exchange for publicity within school?  We would really like to focus on sports not already heavily featured in school, like dance or martial arts for example.

Do you know anyone either competing at a high level or involved in sports in some way that you think would be interested in coming to speak at an assembly or to a group of classes?

Please do get in touch if you can help, by emailing the school office at

Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

Star of Wonder Awards

YEAR R: Tobias, Rosie and Elliott

YEAR 1: Matilda, Remi, Caleb and Sabela

YEAR 2: Jay Jay, Rosie, Thomas and Isla

YEAR 3: Grace, Dhyanam and Ella

YEAR 4: Isla, Oscar and Esmae

YEAR 5: Fearne, Henri and Chloe

YEAR 6: Olive and Charlotte

News from Year R…

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

The children have settled back into the daily routines very well this week and were all very excited to share all the exciting things they did during the Easter holidays. Thank you to those of you who put photos onto Tapestry of your Easter holidays. The children enjoyed showing these to the class. They have also completed some writing about their favourite thing they did during the Easter holidays.

In Maths we have been deepening our understanding of addition and subtraction. We have used first, then, now number stories to practise addition and subtraction e.g. First, there were 3 dinosaurs, then 2 more dinosaurs came along. Now there are 5 dinosaurs altogether. The children have also been thinking of their own first, then, now stories to practise simple addition and subtraction.

This week the children were very excited with the arrival of some new resources to use in our outdoor area. These consisted of tyres, wooden planks, logs along with some other exciting ‘loose part’ resources. It was great to see the lovely ideas the children had when playing with these. In the photo some of the children had worked together to build a car. We are very excited to see what other wonderful creations the children come up with over the next few weeks.

Next week:

We will be starting our topic for the term ‘People who help us / jobs’. We will be focusing on the text ‘Rosie Revere Engineer’ which is about a girl called Rosie who dreams of becoming an engineer. Next week we will introduce the story and the children will be joining Rosie’s engineering academy where they will be asked to design and build their own bridge for the local area.

In Maths the children will be exploring and deepening their understanding of 3D shapes. The children will explore how shapes appear when they are rotated. The children will also look at how different shapes can be combined to make new shapes.

In our indoor PE sessions on a Monday the children will be taught Gymnastics. They will be learning different poses, jumping and moving in different ways. The children will also be using some Gymnastics equipment, which is always an exciting opportunity for the children.

Linked to our topic this term we are hoping to invite in some parents to talk to the children about their jobs. If you think the children might be interested in finding out about a job that you do please speak to one of the Year R team or email the office.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year R team


Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Welcome back to the Summer term 2024!

National Updates 

During our staff INSET this week, online safety updates were shared with staff around new offences that have come into effect with the new online safety legislation – Just this week in the news it has been announced that sharing ‘deepfake’ pornography (pornography that’s been created by artificial intelligence (AI) without someone’s permission) which was introduced as a criminal offence in the Act, has now come into effect as a crime.  The other offences are listed below.

Physical Chastisement of a child…

Also in the press this week has been coverage around the growing pressures to make smacking a child an offence in England and Northern Ireland as it already is in Wales (2022) and Scotland (2020)and several other countries.

Calls have come to address the issue following  a report from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) which found current laws in Northern Ireland and England are “unjust and dangerously vague”.  The report from the RCPCH warned children suffer lasting mental and physical effects from being struck.

Whilst this remains a divisive issue, the current law as it stands can be found at the link below

The report from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health can be seen here in full.

Reporting concerns

Key actions to take if you have a concern that a child is in danger, may suffer harm and maltreatment…


  • If you fear that a child is in immediate danger CALL 999 and report the concern
  • IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU SHOULD DO – report your concerns to the DSL and team at school

Alternative options – as a member of the public you can report a concern to Hampshire’s Child Protection Services directly – information about the services is available here – this site provides useful information and learning about a range of abuse as well as what will happen when concerns are reported –

If you are a member of the public and wish to report any welfare/safeguarding concerns DIRECTLY TO CHILDREN’S SERVICES:- you can complete Hampshire’s online form here: online enquiry form

You can report a concern over the telephone and via email –

Phone 0300 555 1384   
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Email     Please note: Emails are dealt with during normal office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. At other times phone our out of hours number.      

Out of hours – Out of hours contact telephone number for Children’s Services Phone 0300 555 1373 


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