Upcoming Events
Monday 12th June
Year R Farm Day
Priory church Visit- Year 3
1.30-3pm- Piano
3.15pm-4.15pm Netball Club year 4-6
3.15pm- 4.15pm Percussion club
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Tuesday 13th June
1.30pm- Y6 Swimming
2pm Year 2 Swimming
Coram life RSE with y5 and 6 Y5 9am Y6 10.30am
1-3pm Guitar lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club
3.15-4.30pm Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Board Games and Puzzles club (Yrs R, 1 and 2)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club
Wednesday 14th June
1-3.30pm- Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Thursday 15th June
3.30-4.30pm Drama club
3 .15-4.15pm Y4-6 Tag Rugby Club
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Friday 16th June
AIM HIGH Maths Day Year 2&3
8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-4.30pm- Multi Sports club
3.15-4.15pm- Singing Club (Yrs 3,4,5 and 6)
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club
Menu this week
Cheesy Pasta & Roll
Fish Fingers & Diced Potatoes
Lemon Drizzle Cake
Ice Cream
Quorn Sausages
Sherfield Sausages
Vegetable Somerset Stew with Cheddar & Parsley Mash
Roll or Mash
Baked Beans
Roasted Pepper Tart
Roast Turkey with
Sage & Onion
Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips
Apple Crumble
& Custard
Ice Cream
Jacket Potato with Cheese & Beans
Beef Lasagne & Garlic Bread
Tuna Salad & Garlic Bread
Green Beans
Ice Cream
Banana Custard
Butternut Squash Bake
Breaded Fish
Honey Roast Gammon
Cookies or Fruit
National Child Safety Week- Useful information about keeping your children safe.
Please follow this link for useful safety information from the Child Accident Prevention Trust about preventing accidents in common situations at home and in the community. The resources include road safety, water safety, choking hazards, dog safety, and more.
Information around Dog Safety:
Dog SafetySports Week and Sports Day
We have had a fun and active sports week. Every day the wake up and shake up with Tor Gilchrist and Rachel Hunter has given everyone a positive and active start to the day. Many children have also taken part in circuit fitness with Tor, which was pretty tough but enjoyed by all of the students that took part.
Thank you to everyone who attended sports day. It was a fine day and pretty hot but hopefully no sunburn. Everyone involved showed a great sporting attitude and all of the children really got involved in the range of events. After all of the activities and races the final scores were:
1st – Kestrel 226
2nd – Hawk 215
3rd – Falcon 206
Well done to all houses, and thank you to Mr Cripps for organising the event.

Joiners & Leavers
It is that time of the year when we think about transitions. We have had a few new pupils joining (or re-joining) The Priory over the past few weeks and it’s always lovely to welcome new families to The Priory community. We will be welcoming a full new cohort of children to Reception next year, and over the next few weeks we will be meeting the new Reception parents to introduce them to The Priory (though several already have children here).
Every year there will be some children who unfortunately need to leave the school. If you are planning on leaving The Priory and you have not already informed us, please email Office@priory.hants.sch.uk as soon as possible.
Several parents have commented to me in the mornings on how good the playground area is looking. This is thanks to Jen and Lou from the PTA. Jen rallied together a team of her colleagues from HP and several of them came last weekend to paint the fences. We had some very generous donations towards this project and I’d like to thanks the Crane and Nagalewska families for their generous donations of wood preserver and decorating materials. Along with myself, Mrs Adams and Mr Cripps, we managed to give the playgrounds a well-needed spruce up. A worthwhile community effort. Thanks all!
Alternative Provision – survey from Ofsted
Ofsted is looking at the quality of Alternative Provision* in the Hampshire Local Authority. As a school, we have been asked to share the link below to allow any families with experience of alternative provision (which does not affect most families) to contribute to the evidence they will need to gather as part of this process and to inform the national report on AP that will be produced.
*The definition of alternative provision is as follows: education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour.
If you have any experience of alternative provision, either directly or through a young person you have worked with, please complete the survey below:
House Points…



Today, Friday 9th June is the NSPCC’s Childhood Day. to promote the day and generate funds for the NSPCC they are advocating that every child travels a mile in any way that they choose!

As part of our sport’s week all of our children have been doing the daily priory mile all week and today we dedicated our mile to the NSPCC’s Childhood Day 2023.
The NSPCC is so critical in providing support to children across the country for a wide range of reasons and needs.
Whilst we haven’t set up any official fund raising through school for Childhood Day, please use the link below to make a donation to the NSPCC if you are able to and would like to make a contribution to this incredible children’s session. Thank you!
Star of Wonder & Special Mentions
This Weeks Stars of Wonder
Year R
Jago, Matilda and Freddie
Year 1
Teddy, Nolan and Evie
Year 2
Elodie, Sofia and Dhyanam
Year 3
Reuben, Eliza and Alice
Year 4
Poppy, Aurelia and Cassidy
Year 5
Max, Rory, and Isla ( Golden Tie)
Year 6
Frazer and Emma
Congratulations to all!
Reception Year News
What have we been learning about in Year R this week?
At the beginning of the week the children were all very excited to share some of the things they did during half term. They also completed some writing about what they did during half term.
In Maths the children have been getting involved in some problem solving activities. They estimated how many cubes would fit inside a bucket and also found what animals and humans would fit in a boat if there were 6 legs inside the boat. They looked at the different combinations that would total 6 legs in the boat e.g. 3 hens or 1 sheep and 1 hen.
The children have had a wonderful time being active for our Sports Week. We have taken part in numerous activities like The Priory Mile (running round the field), practising the egg and spoon race with our Year 4 buddies and practising all of the activities completed during Sports Day.
In addition the children took part in their first Sports Day at The Priory. They all did amazingly well and we were very proud of all of them. It was a busy day for them but they did brilliantly. It was lovely to have you all there with us cheering on the children.
Next week:
We will begin our week with our exciting ‘Farm Day’ on Monday. We are inviting the children to come into school dressed as a farmer or farm animal for the day. There will be some games and craft in the morning and the children will be meeting some farm animals in the afternoon. We hope for a very enjoyable day!
The children will also be learning about the jobs that farm animals do and will also be looking at different vegetables that might be grown on a farm.
In Maths the children will be exploring Cuisenaire rods looking at the different lengths of each one. They will also be using the rods to place 2 rods together to equal the length of another rod and looking at ways they could double a rod to make the length of another rod.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year R Team

PTA News
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