Upcoming Events

Monday 30th October

Coram Life

8.50am- House Point Assembly
1-3pm Guitar Lessons with Adele
3.15pm-4.30pm Gol Football Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Gardening Club
3.15pm-4.15pm- Christmas craft club (Foundation and KS1 only)
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Tuesday 31st October

 Coram Life

1-3pm Guitar Lessons
3.15- 3.45- Drumming lessons
3.15-4.15pm YR3 Tag Ruby Club with Curveball coaching
3.15-4.15pm Gardening Club
3.15-6pm-The Oaks after school club

Wednesday 1st November

11am – Piano lessons
1pm- Flute lessons
3.30pm- 4.30pm- Drumming lessons
2.40pm- Singing Assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Thursday 2nd November

School Rugby Fixture @3.30pm 

11am-3.15pm- Piano Lessons
3.20-4.20pm Drama club
3.20-4.15pm-Lego Club
3.20-4.15pm- Choir Club
3 .15-4.15pm Hockey with Curveball Coaching
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Friday 3rd November

8.30-11am- Rocksteady
2.40 pm- Awards assembly
3.15-6pm—The Oaks after school club

Menu for w/c 30th October


Vegetable Pasta

Beef Bolognaise Pasta

Jacket Potato with Tuna, Sweetcorn and Mayo



Iced Sponge or Fruit


Priory Pizza

Chicken Supreme & Rice



Jelly or Grapes or Fruit


Cheese & Chive Swirls

Roast Chicken with
Sage & Onion

Roast Potatoes
Roast Parsnips

Apple Crumble & Custard or Ice Cream or Fruit


Quorn Sausages

Sherfield Sausages

Mushroom and Herb Rissoles (v) & Tomato Sauce

Broccoli, Bakes Beans, Roll or Mash

Lemon Spice Slice or Ice Cream or Fruit


Mixed Bean & Veg Chow Mein

Breaded Fish & Chips



Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Sauce or Fruit


Dear Parents and Carers

And just like that, we are at the end of the first half term!

A lot has happened since the first day of the school year: 

  • Our pupils have settled well into their new classes including our new Reception class
  • All parents have had the opportunity to visit the school and talk to the teachers about how the class works and how well their child is settling in
  • New student leaders have been selected and elected for house captains, sports captains, School Council, Play Leaders and Eco Council
  • We have made the most of the use of the school field with the fine Autumn weather
  • Many children have already been given awards for attitude, behaviour and achievements
  • Children have represented the school at external sporting events, with more to come

Christmas cards

Thank you if you have already returned your child’s Christmas card order. 

All of the Christmas card designs have now been sent home. If you would like to order Christmas cards with your child’s design on the front, please return the order form with the details completed to the school office by no later than Monday 30th October. Payment for the cards also must be made by this date to the payment details (Priory PTA) stated on the bottom of the order form. 

Rotary Shoebox Appeal 

Thank you to the families who donated items for our Rotary Shoebox Appeal. The boxes have been collected by the Rotary charity now for distribution to disadvantaged and displaced children. We sent 11 boxes in total. 

Winter Uniform

Please note that after half term all children are requested to wear winter school uniform. If any parents are struggling to pay for school uniform, please contact us at office@priory.hants.sch.uk to help source second-hand uniform, or free school uniform from our huge pile of unclaimed lost property!

Coram Life Education

Straight after half term the children in each class will take part in workshops led by the Coram Life Education group. Parents have been emailed details about these workshops which will focus on Relationships and Health understanding.  

News from the Sports Desk…
We are delighted to share our first team photo of this year’s Tag Rugby team ahead of their inaugural match the first week back after half term. Team – you look great and will represent your school with pride and sportsmanship! Exciting times ahead for this group (and their teammates who were absent from school on photo day) and we’ll keep you posted on their progress.
In other news, Netball ‘Come & try’ on Tuesdays has had a brilliant turnout and Years 5&6 final team tryouts will be Tuesday 31st October 2.15pm. Good luck everyone.
Have a great half term break and remember to keep active and have lots of fun. Post your sporting achievements and energetic activities on SeeSaw for your teachers, they will love seeing them.


Date Event
Monday 30th – Tuesday 31st October Coram life workshops during the school day for all year groups
Wednesday 1st November Applications for Reception September 2024 cohort opens
Thursday 2nd November School rugby fixture (for tag rugby squad)
Tuesday 7th November Priory Open Day 2 -0 for Reception 2024 intake
Wednesday 8th November Year R Autumn-born NCMP measuring and vision screening test
Friday 10th November Nasal Flu Vaccinations for Year R and Year 6 
Friday 10th November World Science Day – science gadget shop during and after school (children can buy gadgets for £1-2)
13-17th November Anti-bullying week – raising awareness of bullying (including cyber bullying)
Wednesday 22nd November School netball fixture @ Bishopswood (for netball squad)
Wednesday 29th November African drumming workshops – all year groups
Friday 1st December 9.30am Rocksteady concert
Friday 1st December PTA Christmas Fair (after school) 
Thursday 7th December  Year R Christmas performance 2pm
Monday 11th December Grade cards distributed
Wednesday 13th December  School Christmas Lunch

After- School Clubs 


We are pleased to let you know that two more clubs will be running after half term with coach Zack. The links to sign up for the clubs is as follows:

Multi-skills R-Y2 (Wednesday)
Dodgeball Y3-6 (Friday)
As always all of the booking links can also be found on the curveball coaching website;
Please see the following posters for more details.

House Points…






Star of Wonder & Special Mentions

This Weeks Stars of Wonder

Year R 

Hannah, Paige & Kit

Year 1

Xanthe, Olivia, Thomas & Lillie

Year 2

Taimi, Harry, Isla & Jay-Jay

Year 3

Olivia, Louis & Finley

Year 4

Martin, Charlie, Riley & Sophia

Year 5

Elsie, Joshua, Robert & Aurelia

Year 6

Alexander, Erys & Belle

Congratulations to all! 

Special Mention! 

Look who deserves some special congratulations! Medalling in all events competed in, collecting 3 silver medals and a gold medal in Hand Drills, Kick-boxing, Kick Combinations and Belt Tag and a medal in Kick-boxing last weekend at the Southern Regional MF Martial Arts Championships in Bristol. Well done for showing exemplary sportsmanship, respect and discipline. Amazing work!

Special Well done! 

One of our super students competed in their first football match for their new team last weekend. He scored his first goal for them and got player of the match, SUPER! Well Done!


Reception Year News

What have we been learning about in Year R this week?

Thank you very much for your junk modelling contributions this week to make our minibeast creatures. The children had a wonderful time making their creatures and have had great fun choosing and decorating their creatures.

The children have also been learning some interesting facts about minibeasts and talking about their favourite minibeast. The children have also been learning the song ‘The ants go marching two by two’ and adding in some actions too.

In Maths the children have been learning about 2D shapes. They have learnt the names and properties of the different shapes. The children have also been comparing a square and a rectangle and have learnt that a square has 4 equal sides (all the sides are the same length) and a rectangle has 2 short sides and 2 long sides.

We cannot believe we have completed the first half term in Year R already. It has gone so quickly and we do hope that you all have a rest and an enjoyable time over the half term holiday.

After half term:

The children will be discussing and writing about what they have done in their half term holidays. It would be lovely if you could send in a photo or post some photos on Tapestry of something that your child does during the half term, which will support their discussion in school.

In Maths the children will be focusing on numbers 4 and 5 looking at ways to find, subitise and represent the numbers 4 and 5.

The children will also be learning about firework night. They will discuss how to be safe and making some firework crafts too.

Have a lovely half term.

The Year R team


School Flu Vaccine Information

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