Year 1 Class

Year 1 is taught by Miss Hollingshead and is supported by Mrs Hunt. The Year 1 classroom is bright and airy and the children have access to an outside play area, which is an extension of teh classroom learning environment. The children in Year 1 are make the important transition from the Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Key Stage 1 and become increasingly independent in all aspects of their learning.

The children continue to learn to read in Year R through the Essential Letters & Sounds (ELS) programme, which is a government-approved synthetic phonics programme with an accompanying reading scheme. The children take home books that are linked to the ELS scheme to help embed the sounds they learn to read and write in class. During the Summer term of Year 1, the children also complete the Phonics Screening Check, which is a statutory assessment. The check tests the children on 25 real and ‘pseudo’ words to see how well they can apply their phonics to reading. The pass mark for the check is 18.

The children are well prepared using a range of colourful and enjoyable activities; although it is a formal test we ensure that the children are relaxed and happy believing the test is just another classroom game.

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